Chapter 10 - Crashing Down

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~~~Quote of the Chapter~~~

Stand in the Rain

Stand your ground

Stand up when it's all crashing down

Stand through the pain

You won't drown

Someday what's lost will be found

She's strong because

She knows what it's like to be weak

She keeps her guard up because

She knows what its like to cry herself to sleep


Today when it feels like the world is against you and like everything is going wrong remember that The airplane takes off against the wind, not with it!

XoXo Yani <3


The week went by as I switched to the morning shift at my job, so that I would be off to pick the kids up and put them to bed.

They got into the routine of going to school and surprisingly Ryder was behaving.

When Friday afternoon came around, I received a called from the HR department at World Market offering me the job, which I quickly accepted.

I called Quinn and Cara to let them know, in which they decided that we had to go out Saturday and celebrate.

My mom was happy to watch the kids.

The kid's didn't want me to leave them for the weekend but after I told them their nana was going to take them to chuck-e cheese, they went willingly.

Quinn and Cara both came over after I dropped them off.

Cara moved here after she graduated from Rice University and is getting her masters in psychology, while interning at a counseling center.

After Quinn graduated she had gotten a job with a fashion design company and had moved out, so Cara and her got an apartment together and became roommates.

We were all laying on my bed watching TV and talking about old times.

Cara was talking about a guy she met and how serious they were becoming.

I guess Quinn probably still had feelings for Ethan because she never really talked much about guys or cared for them since Ethan. I always felt so bad about that, I keep telling her that she doesn't have to choose me and the triplets or the guy she loves.

But she never listens.

"This feels like high school all over again. When we all sat around in each other's room and hung out, minus the fact now that I have three kids, my floor is filled with toys and NickJr is playing on my TV." We all erupted in fits of giggles.

As we were getting ready to go out I started to miss my babies. So I called my mom to check in on them.

She told me Rush and Rayin were in their bunks that she got for them sleeping but Ryder was in up and in her bed watching cartoons and kept asking her when I was coming to pick them up.

He then requested to talk to me. She gave him the phone and he told me he missed me and wanted me to come get him so he could sleep with me. I told him that the sooner he goes to bed, the sooner I will be there.

I missed them so much already and they are just growing up so fast.

"Come on mama bear, snap out of that funk. I was able to get us a VIP table at Rogue tonight." Quinn told me.

The Billionaire's Secret Babies (The Radley's 1)EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now