Chapter 13 - Through His Eyes

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***Quote of the chapter***

If I could give you one thing in life,

I would give you the ability to see

yourself through my eyes,

only then would you realize how

special you are to me.

                           - Unknown

Sometimes we have to put ourselves in someone else shoes to really understand what they are thinking or going through.

Today before judging someone try and see the situation through their POV.

XoXo Yani!



Bryce P.O.V


"Hey hunny! Off to work already? It's still a bit early for you to be locked up in your office don't you think?" My mother asked.

I walked by her and head straight to the brewing coffee pot.

"Morning mom. And I have some things to deal with that needs my attention before my 8: 00 a.m meeting." I notify her as I make my coffee to go in my travel mug.

"Where is Tomar? I suppose she's still sleeping after attempting to wait up for you all night again?" She gives me her accusing stare.

"Yes she is. I wish she would stop that and rest. But anyways, I have to go mom, can you just keep an eye on her if you're around today? I really want her to get comfortable and well adjusted to being here." I kiss her cheek. "Thanks mom!" I yell as I run out the door to my awaiting car.

"Good morning Stanford." I greet as I enter my awaiting bentley.

"Good morning Mr. Radley. Where will your destination be this morning sir?" My driver greets in routine.

"The main office please." I instruct and relax into my seat as I watch the car pull off and buildings fly by.

Soon I am snapped from the cogs turning in my head when Stanford speaks,  alerting me that we are outside of my building  and parked right in front of the entrance on W 7th street and Wilshire blvd.

I exit the car and look up at the skyscraper, still finding it surreal to think it was a sinking like the titanic just two years ago and I was able to set it assail again at my age.

I walked into the building and nodded in acknowledgement to the security guards as I made my way to my personal elevator on right of the guards desk and punch in my code. The doors open immediately and I am whisked to the 53rd floor. I walk past my vacant secretary desk and continue down the hall to pass my vacant assistants desk and before walking into my office and taking a deep breath.

The Billionaire's Secret Babies (The Radley's 1)EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now