Chapter 22 - Trust Issues

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~~Quote of the Chapter~~

Love is weak when

there is more doubt

than there is trust,

but love is most strong

when you learn to trust

even with all the doubts.


If a train doesn't stop at your station then its not your train.

I'm just saying to find certainty in your doubt rather than let your doubts cause you to assume.

XoXo Yani <3

P.S. I typed it on my phone, didn't check the length on my computer like I did the last chapter. Hope its not too short or too long but just right :) Hope you enjoy it!


Raelynn's P.O.V


It's obvious that he's lying. But why?

It wasn't Evan that answered the phone, and it sure wasn't a man.

It was clearly a woman.

I thought we made love last night? Then I wake up and he's gone.

He was professing his love for me the entire time.

I don't get it.

He has to be cheating on me. I knew he would hurt me eventually.

But is he really? His mom could have really been sick, but it doesn't explain who answered his phone.

Maybe I'm overthinking it.

"Mama ju no no!" Tomar said and wiped her little finger across my cheek. It was then I realized I was silently crying.

I guess she was trying to tell me not to cry. That's quite funny coming from her since she's such a cry baby.

I wiped them away and hugged her to me.

Bryce left to go get the triplets from school at the end of the day and I took Tomar home with me.

Now that I think about it, does she live with me now or what?

After dinner and putting the kids to bed, I told Bryce that he needed to leave.  If he wanted to take Tomar that was fine, but he wasn't going to stay here anymore.

The Billionaire's Secret Babies (The Radley's 1)EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now