Chapter 39 - Apologies

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SORRY I TOOK SO LONG! Sorry had midterms and tons of work then I had writers block.

I wrote the next chapter but I'm not finished and I'm falling asleep. I will post it tomorrow.



Raelynn's P.O.V.


"Go and see her first, it's better if she sees a familiar face then we will come in if she's up to it." I kissed him and he left and went into Shantel's room.

"Let just sit in the waiting room until he's finished."

We all moved to the waiting room. I was a bit nervous to meet Shantel. Even though Bryce said nothing happened between them and he's more of a father figure to her more than anything, I still sort of felt insecure. Maybe it's my pregnancy hormones.

Let me stop thinking too hard, I need not to be stressing so I don't harm my little angel. At the thought I rub my stomach.

It's so crazy. I'm not even thirty and I'm having my fourth child, well I have five actually and who knows what will happen with Shantel.

I got cut from my thoughts by Ethan's rining phone.

"Hey babe! Everything ok?" He answered.

Must be Quinn. She stayed back to watch the kids since Elena wanted to come and Ethan came to make sure Evan got his hand looked at. His received three stitches before we came up to Shantel's floor. He was now just here sitting quietly and kept looking at his hand. I think he's still pretty pissed.

"Mmhh. Do you need me to come back and help you?" He asked Quinn and looked at me.

"What's wrong?" I got up worried something is wrong with one of the kids.

Ethan put his finger up telling me to hold a minute.

He then handed me the phone.

"What's wrong Quinn?" I asked. There were screaming in the background.

"Rae I'm sorry. I thought they were still asleep, so I went to find something to clean up the blood and glass before they got up and step in it. I was in the kitchen when I heard screams, I ran to the living room and say Rayin crying. Seems she stepped on some splinters. I took them out her foot, but one went a bit deep. She's all bandaged up but she won't stop crying for you and Bryce. She's turning really red from screaming and is starting to breath funny. I'm not sure what's wrong with her." She explained as  Rayin kept screaming.

"Oh god. My poor baby." I'll be right there.

I shoved the phone at Ethan and grabbed my purse.

"I'll see you all back at the hotel. Please tell Bryce Rayin is hurt and I have to go." I didn't wait for a response as I went down stairs and out to one of our waiting cars and had the driver take me back to the hotel.

The Billionaire's Secret Babies (The Radley's 1)EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now