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"My father hates a lot of people, but he hates me most- you wanna know why?"

I took a few steps back from the deranged boy, despite already being inches away from the edge of the plank. "Dare I ask?"

Harry laughed hysterically before smirking at me with an insane look in his eyes. "Because he sees Peter Pan in me more than he sees himself."

I felt a pang in my chest in pity for him.

No wonder he's trying to kill me- all this pent up frustration, he's taking it out on me just to settle some kind of score with my dad.

"You see our parents had quite the history."

"So I've heard, but Harry, this isn't gonna fix anything." I wanted to see if I can get through to him with reason, all the while trying to untie the ropes around my hands behind my back. "My dad told me about the youngest lad he saw on the Jolly Roger- he said that you smiled whenever you see him flying over the skies, and how you loved hearing his stories about the Lost Boys."

"I was a child, I didn't know any better."

"Harry, I can help you! Just let me go and we'll both go to Auradon-"

"Enough!" It was Uma who stomped her foot on the wooden plank and made me lose my balance.

My body hit the water before I could even scream, making my chest tighten in panic as the heavy ropes weighed me down.

I was sinking deeper and deeper into the ocean by the second.

My vision started clouding up when I began to run out of oxygen.

I felt myself slowly fading, all my senses went numb and my vision started to narrow.

The last thing I remember seeing was a figure that jumped into the water and grabbed me before everything went blank.

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