III. Harry Hook

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I looked down from the edge of the plank and felt the intensity of waves as they crash against the ship violently. "Quite the view, mum. Quite the view."

"I take it Wendy told you all about her experience in the exact same position." Uma said.

"Though I admit not with enough details. Are there real sharks lurking around down there?"

"Its as real as it gets, Princess."


She scoffed at my remark, leaning on the railings beside the plank. "I'm actually curious to see how you're gonna get yourself outta this one. After all, you are the daughter of a trickster."

I shook my head while still eyeing the deep waters. "I've got nothing."

"Really? Not even gonna pull out some pixie dust and fly back to Neverland?"


"No more weapons cleverly hidden on your person?"

"Wanna pat me down to check that?" I challenged, earning a glare from her. "I'm telling you Uma, I've got absolutely nothing up my sleeve."

"Then how do you suppose to get out of here alive?"

"Honestly, I'm just hoping you'll listen to reason and let me go."

Uma bursted into laughter along with her mates.

I turned around to see them all cackling like hyenas aside from Harry, who kept his eyes on me the whole time. "Aren't you gonna say something? I mean if you're gonna kill me, don't I deserve to know why?"

He jumped down from the rope he was hanging on then walked up right in front of me, not evening paying attention to the narrow space provided by the plank as if he's done this a lot of times before. "I wonder.."


A wicked grin spread across his lips as he brushed my hair behind my ear with his hook. "I wonder what could be going on in that pretty little head of yours right now."

"Not much, really. I'm just thinking about what I should have for breakfast- turns out its the sharks that's gonna have me on their plates."

Harry pursed his lips and looked sideways before grabbing the front of my shirt. "Most people would show their true nature just when they're about to die." He forced me to lean back with him as the only thing keeping me grounded. "Why don't ya gimme the pleasure of showing me yours."

I couldn't help but chuckle at his request. "Don't throw empty threats without commitment, Hook."

His eyes slightly widened.

"If you wanna see it that badly," I smirked. "Then let go."

The ship fell dead silent from my offer, and everyone was at the edge of the railings in anticipation of how Harry would answer.


The pirate shook is head, still smiling when he pulled me back on my feet. "Ye're a funny one, ya are." He tapped the tip of my nose playfully, then made his way back on board.

I mentally sighed in relief.

Well I'm still alive so that's good news, at least. But I don't know how much longer I can keep up this act without Uma or Hook seeing through the cracks.

Think, Peyton.

If my dad were in this situation, he would've thought of a better plan than just provocation.

I wasn't lying when I said I've got nothing. So I just have to kickstart this quirky gene of mine before time runs out.

If I know one thing about Uma, its that she loves to out think people. Even if I do have a plan brewing, she's already one step ahead of me-

Wait.. that might work!

"I can't help it if your father hates my dad, I mean even I hate him."

That caught the pirate's attention just as I expected. "Alright, then let's trash talk your dad."

"Harry, don't." Uma warned him, grabbing his forearm. "This girl's up to no good."

I shrugged. "I just don't think he's the same rebellious fairy people says he was- heck, he doesn't even want me to learn basic sword fighting because he thinks its too dangerous."

He yanked his arm away from Uma's grip, and it took everything in me not to smile. "Then how did ya manage to take down a dozen of our men?"

"Why don't you take these ropes off and I'll show you." Its the same kind of manipulation that Uma used on me before. No wonder she's trying to stop Harry from listening- its working like magic. "No doubt you're just as good as your father in a fight, maybe even better."

He narrowed his eyes at me. "How much do ya know about Captain James Hook?"

"I know enough."

"Then you must know that my father hates a lot of people, but the one he just can't stand the most?"

"My dad?" I suggested mockingly.


That was when I realized that my attempt of lighting a fire underneath him shattered right then and there.

"Ya wanna know why?"

I took a few steps back from the deranged boy, despite already being inches away from the edge of the plank. "Dare I ask?"

His laughed silently before smirking at me with an insane look in his eyes. "Because he sees Peter Pan in me more than he sees himself."

The sly smile that played on my lips vanished.

I felt my heart sink down to my feet in pity for him.

No wonder he's trying to kill me- all this pent up frustration, he's taking it out on me just to settle some kind of score with my dad.

"You see our parents had quite the history."

"So I've heard, but Harry, this isn't gonna fix anything." I wanted to see if I can get through to him with reason, all the while trying to untie the ropes around my hands behind my back. "My dad told me about the youngest lad he saw on the Jolly Roger- he said that you smiled whenever you see him flying over the skies, and how you loved hearing his stories about the Lost Boys."

"I was a child, I didn't know any better."

"Harry, I can help you! Just let me go and we'll both go to Auradon-"

"Enough!" It was Uma who stomped her foot on the wooden plank and made me lose my balance.

My body hit the water before I could even scream, making my chest tighten in panic as the heavy ropes weighed me down.

I was sinking deeper and deeper into the ocean by the second.

My vision started clouding up when I began to run out of oxygen.

I felt myself slowly fading, all my senses went numb and my line of sight started to narrow.

The last thing I remember seeing was a figure that jumped into the water and grabbed me before everything went blank.

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