XXII: William Westergaard

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| so this chapter might not be as everyone expected, and im sorry for that. still, i hope you like it. |

William Westergaard will be played by no other than Dylan O'Brien.


Three days have went by just like that. I've been by Harry's side for the last two and since he's now up and about, I decided that it's best to go back to the castle and rest.

Though my physical wounds have slowly healed themselves over a few days, I'm afraid my heart's gonna need a longer time than that.

With Ben's consent and understanding, I stayed in the garden for the whole day, gathering my thoughts while laying down on the grass patch.

Several members of our Kingdom's Guard arrived hours ago, and the head of the Lost Clan, my uncle Saber, is currently guarding the door with the rest of his men to make sure no else enters the garden.

For some reason, the people here are intimidated by the Lost Clan. I saw the way the students and teachers looked at them as they escorted me down the hallway.

I don't remember ever being scared of my uncles before and I have no reason to start now, but after months of being away, the men clad in dark suits and cloaks made from wolf's skin seemed so.. unnerving.

Even though uncle Saber was still the kind-hearted man I grew up to know, there was something cold and menacing to him now. The same goes for the rest of his men. I don't know if it has something to do with my mum passing away, but his overprotectiveness assured me nonetheless.

I decided to drop the subject and simply mourn in peace.

The High Council of Neverland -comprised of our elders from the Indian Tribe, the Sirens, the Lost Clan and the Fairfolk- have decided that the Fairy King and his only heir to return immediately and prioritize the duty we've allegedly chosen to neglect and serve our Kingdom once again. They sent their condolences in a letter that came in just this morning, but I can tell their sincerity was false. Those old bags never cared about humans anyway, especially my mum.

I was also told that my scholarship is to be revoked officially by the end of the week, though Ben made sure that Harry can stay and still attend Prep School here in Auradon as long as he wants to.

I'm thankful that he has the King and the VKs to count on once I'm gone. Like I said, the High Council detests humans, so bringing him back to Neverland with us will be a lot more difficult than to sneak someone out of the Isle.

I know, I tried.

My dad doesn't seem like he wants to quit his teaching job either, which he's obviously having fun with for the past weeks, but there's just no helping it. He signed the papers to Auradon and Neverland's alliance on his own accord despite the High Council's interjections, thinking that he might as well leave some good behind in return to help the young King's reign.


I opened my eyes to see William smiling down at me. "H-How did you get in here?"

"I have my ways."

I propped myself up on my elbows as he sat down next to me with his legs crossed. "I'm sure you do, but I'd prefer to be alone right now if that's okay with you."

He scratched the back of his head bashfully. "Sorry. I just thought that you could use some company, is all."

Though he means well, I couldn't help but refuse his offer. I really just want to be alone.

"Trust me, I'm fine. But I doubt my uncle would be so lenient with you if he finds out you're here."

"Huh? Why not? Your uncle looks like a nice man." He added meekly. "Who looks like he's ready to tear anyone apart.."

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