XIV: A Threat

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"Hey wait a second." I stopped in my tracks just as we were approaching the doors back to the garden.

Harry looked back at me over his shoulder and raised a brow. "Aye?"

"What were you doing in the gazebo dressed like a butler? Is this some kind of hobby of yours that I'm not aware of? Cosplaying?"

| like Sebastian Michaelis from Black Butler |

He scoffed in remark. "There's no need for me to dress up like some alluring beast when I already am one."

I snorted. "Your modesty amuses me."

"I wanted to talk to ya before the dinner but then I got back late and didn't have the chance to. So yeah that's about it."

"Talk to me about what, exactly?"

The doors swung open to reveal Lumiere before Harry could even give me his answer.

"Ah, my apologies Princess. But both Kings request that you return immediately."

I nodded, then turned to the pirate who brought my hand up and pressed it against his lips.

"Until we meet again, fair maiden."

Even though it was the back of my hand that he kissed, I could still feel the warmth of his lips lingering on mine. The thought of it alone made something flutter to life at the pit of my stomach.

"L-Likewise, good sir." I curtsied in response before following Lumiere back outside.

It was weird how I was a little disappointed that Harry can't join us tonight. I could've used that psycho's opinion on things, especially that he's the only person that my dad doesn't find inferior, other than me and my mum.

On my way to the gazebo, I was stunned to find the arrogant King of Neverland laughing along with the Royal Family.

My dad was the first to notice me as I sat back down on my seat. "Oh sweetheart, there you are. Where have you been?"

Smiling, I shrugged.

"Well you missed a lot." He grinned. "Benjamin here just made a proposition that would change Auradon forever."

"Sounds interesting. I'm surprised you even listened to him in the first place, considering the fact that you were being a total jerk just a while ago."

He ruffled my hair and messed it up like he always does whenever I say something that hits a nerve. "Now, now. Give your old man some credit- you're looking at your new teacher, after all."

I feigned innocence upon all this. "What's going on here? Did I miss that much in a few minutes of being gone?"

"What His Majesty means to say is that in order to bring back magic into Auradon even for just a small part of everyday life, I made a proposal to make him a teacher so that the new generation can learn a thing or two about magic." Ben proudly stated. "I will also consider making exceptions about the law than bans all witchcraft and sorcery in order to make this happen."

"And what a commendable decision that is for you to make, young man. I might actually consider forging another alliance with Auradon if all goes well." He extended his hand to Ben and the young King shook it firmly.

"I assure you, it will."

I winked at Ben and then raised my glass of wine. "A toast, to being allies once more and to the future of both our Kingdoms."

Everyone followed my lead and clanked our glasses together. The rest of the night was filled with us catching up with each other and laughing our heads off from dad's Lost Boys stories, where my uncles always get themselves in trouble especially when playing Treasure Hunt.

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