XVIII: Trouble

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| Hello my Darlings! Just wanna give everyone a quick thanks for supporting my story! For those who have been here since the beginning, thank you for staying and tolerating my bad writing- you guys are the best! And for those who are new here, welcome to the family!

I really hope you enjoy this chapter.

Btw, mature language up ahead cause I really don't like sugarcoating my work

xoxox |

After the little race we had, which I dominated indisputably, Chad ended up throwing out his breakfast from exhaustion.

I stood beside Carlos as the scene unfolded and the poor boy nearly did the same if it weren't for me taking him aside. "Flying's not really for the faint of heart. Dad should've noted that."


The rest of the day went as smoothly as possible. On second period we had Economics lessons that mostly consisted of baking sweets with Lumiere and Alice- which wasn't such a great idea, we all thought, as the Mad Hatter himself disrupted class by starting a crazy food fight. Third was dreaded Math, emphasis on dreaded. And then we had Greek Mythology lessons by the fourth period.

As expected, Harry was a no-show for the rest of the classes other than the one earlier this morning. I tried looking for him around lunch time but the bell beat me to it.

I sure hope he's not skipping because he's upset with me. I meant what I said about feeling guilty for last night, but that's no reason for him to throw another one of those famous tantrums of his.

I sighed, resting my chin on my knuckles as Professor Merlin went about with his discussion in Alchemy.

"Hey, um, Peyton?"

"Hm?" I turned to the person sitting behind me.

He must be new here, since I don't recall ever him seeing him around school before. "I'm kinda lagging on our lesson here, and if its not any trouble, could you maybe tutor me? Please? I really need some help and you're the best in this class."

"Pretty sure that last part was a lie but okay, I'd love to help you out."

He chuckled. "Thanks." Then drew his hand out to me. "William Westergaard."

I smiled, shaking his hand. "Peyton Pan- which you kind of know by now."

"Hard to miss the name of someone I've been admiring from afar." William chuckled, making me pull my hand back as I laughed along awkwardly. "I'm just kidding. Word goes around this place faster than my dad's ambitions."

The name Westergaard does sound familiar, I just don't remember where I heard it from before.

I tilted my head to the side. "Why's that?"

"Well, for starters, he's Hans Westergaard.." The chestnut haired boy hesitated for a moment. "Of the Southern Isles."

Nope, doesn't ring any bells.

William and I chatted and set a schedule for our little tutoring session. We agreed on doing it in my dorm room at the end of next week since Mal and Evie are off for a little weekend vacation with the guys at the beach.

Class ended soon after.

I packed my stuff and then slung my bag over my shoulder on my way out with Mal.

She looked deep in thought while reading a book- wait a second.

"Is that.. your spell book?"

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