X. Midnight Revelation (1)

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I smiled at Harry's reflection on the mirror, then did a small turn for him to see the whole dress, or at least what's left of it after my little tinkering. "What do you think?"

He bit his bottom lip and cracked a smirk. "Not bad."

The backless dress hanging on my frame is actually a little too daring for my taste, but its just enough to keep all eyes on me for later.

"Yeah well don't get too distracted. Its almost time for the Gala and Ben's gonna pick us up any minute now-"

Harry suddenly took me by the hand and his gentleness caught me completely off guard as he spun me slowly until I was facing him. "Do ya even know how to dance at a Gala?"

"Oh please, I'm a Princess. I'm pretty sure I know how to dance."

"That's not what yer last dance instructor said back then." He snickered, placing my hand on his shoulder and taking the other in his. "And yeah, I watched ya dance before. It was when that snotty lil rich lad from Wonderland tried to court ya. I pitied the poor boy- he nearly lost a toe cause of yer lousy excuse of a dance."

I rolled my eyes at him as he rested a hand on my waist and started stepping in a familiar pattern that I recognized as the waltz. "I was a kid, give me a break."

"Even I knew how to waltz, and I ain't a royal."

"You're a royal, alright. A royal pain in the a-"

"Ah! Language, Darlin'. Yer a Princess, aren't ya? Have some decorum." He said with his adorable smile. "That means decency by the way."

This boy's gonna be the death of me, I swear.

I sighed with a smile and brought both of my hands behind his neck, just as he placed his on my waist. "That Prince from Wonderland was a jerk. If anything he deserved to lose a toe or two."

He raised his brow in question. "Oh?"

"He actually questioned why we didn't just cut the heads off our enemies, which were mostly pirates- he's the son of the Red Queen, you see."

"Then remind me to cut him down to bits if we ever see the bastard again, aye?"

We both laughed half-heartedly and just enjoyed swaying to the little hum he was making. It was pretty off-key, but I still enjoyed it.

The pirate spun me around again and I ended up tripping from Evie's incredibly high heels.

I clumsily fell on my bottom then threw the stupid shoes off in frustration. "And this is why I prefer boots."

"Then why don't you wear 'em?"

"Well I thought a certain someone was gonna catch me."

"And fall over with ya? No thanks, Darlin'. I happen to like this suit."

I glared up at him through my lashes. "Such a gentleman you are. And besides its a Gala, I need to get everyone's attention so I have to look attractive."

Harry crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. "Ya had my attention when I met ya in yer hoodie. What difference does it make now?"

I waited for him to get sarcastic in the end and maybe throw in a joke while at it, but it surprised me when he did neither.

"Boots aren't really a Princess thing. At least that's what Evie told me."

"Who gives a damn? Ya look attractive as it is."

I felt the color rise up to my cheeks when I saw the same shade on his face.

Good thing he cleared his throat before things became a lot more awkward.

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