IV. Descendants of Neverland

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"Dad?" My question was filled with uncertainty as I walked towards the man who had his back to me.

The clouds grumbled with darkness when he turned to his shoulder with venom in his eyes.

"Dad!" I wanted to run up him but when he unsheathed his dagger, I thought otherwise.

"Stay back, Peyton!"

I felt a chill run down my spine from his intimidating tone. "D-Dad.. what's wrong?"

That was when it hit me.

He never calls me by my first name just for endearment. Something's not right here.

"Its Hook, he made it out the barrier." He said, filling my head with so many questions. "Get away from here, sweetie! I'll hold him back."

"But I can't just leave you! Let me fight-"

He whipped around with rage evident on his features. "Now's not the time, Peyton. If Hook finds you he'll-"

It was a crack of thunder that revealed the man standing behind my dad- his built and silver hook where his right hand was supposed to be said it all, this man is Captain Hook.

The pirate had no hesitation when he plunged his sword through my dad's chest.

"NO!" I cried at the top of my lungs then dropped to my knees.

Lightning lined the pitch black sky and illuminated the man that was now standing before me.

I looked up to face Captain Hook-

"H-Harry..?" I asked in disbelief.

He smirked, raising his sword over his shoulder. "Goodbye, Darling." Then brought in down on my head.


I shot up awake in cold sweat from that horrible nightmare.

Oh god..

My heart's practically beating against my ears right now and all I could do is stare at the balcony in front of me, where stood a man in red leather.

He was looking over the view with his back turned to me as dawn took its course in the dark skies.

I wiped the tears from my eyes and reached for my necklace in search for comfort, but when I felt nothing around my neck, I pulled my legs up and hugged them against my chest.

Where am I?

The first thing that came to mind was what happened the last time I was conscious.

I remember being on a ship filled with pirates, and Uma made me fall off the plank, but then someone came to my rescue.


I looked up and noticed the bandage wrapped around his shoulder with blood staining it.

There were so many questions running through my mind right now, I just don't know where to start with all this.. but maybe if I walked up to Harry, he'd be able to make some sense into my confused state.

I got off my bed too quickly and had to grab the headboard to keep myself upright. It took me a while to get my balance right before I was able to make my way out into the balcony.

Harry didn't seem to notice my presence at first- its either that or he just doesn't really care, but I can tell that there must be a lot going on in his head right now.

There were so many things I wanted to ask him but all I could say to him was, "What happened to you? Your shoulder, I mean."

It was like he didn't hear me at all until he looked down on the ground. "Right after I went overboard to get ya, there was a shark ready to bite yer head off. I managed to get ya outta the way." He placed a hand on his shoulder. "But this is what I got in return."

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