XV: Hook vs. Pan

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I took two sharp turns around the corner of the ferris wheel and pressed my back against the wall just as Harry ran past me.

It was difficult to hold in my laugh at the moment- until a hand clamped itself on my mouth and made me yelp.


I blinked up at the boy in disbelief.

How in Hades did he even get here so fast?!

He snickered at my reaction before taking his hand away. "I told ya Darlin', I've been here a hundred times before. I know every nook and cranny of this place."

"That's so unfair. You literally have the upper hand here, you rotten codfish."

The pirate's facial expression changed from childish to serious real quick as he grabbed my wrist. "I do have the upper hand." He pinned my arm on the wall above my head and leaned in close. "In more things than ya know."

I guess you could say I've developed a resistance to Harry's little teasing gestures by now.

"Either you get the hell off me or I will punch your teeth in." I challenged, to which he responded with a small smile at the corner of his lips.

"Don't know if ye're threatenin' or seducin' me, but I like it either way."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Dude, you know you can't be like this around me anymore in public, right?"

"We're in an abandoned amusement park- no one in their right mind would dare come in here other than you and I." He reached up and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. "And what did ya mean by being like this with you?"

"Being a flirt, I guess? And you have a fiancée so I assumed that this is just a way to get under my skin."

Harry finally let go of me and took a step back while glaring at the ground. "You.. you think this is all an act just to get a rise outta ya?"

I tilted my head to the side. "Well isn't it?"

He scoffed. "Figures." Then turned to leave.

Did I say something wrong?

"H-Harry, wait up!" I managed to catch up with him but even so, I could feel the walls surrounding him again, the same walls that he built high up to keep everyone out.

I really don't get him.

One second he's a big jerk to me, the next he's this super cheeky tease that toys with my emotions.

Even though he's a complex person, I still see him as a good friend. And I value him more than a husband that I'm yet to meet.

He's usually the one who always grabs my hand first and takes the lead, but this time I decided to turn the tables and made him stop in his tracks by holding his hand.

It's more calloused and rough compared to mine, but its still warm all the same.

"You're my friend, Harry. And that's not what friends do." I tried smiling in hopes that he'd do the same.

He narrowed his eyes at me over his shoulder and said, "Then I don't wanna be yer friend anymore."

I felt a pang in my heart that made me tear up. "I-I don't understand.."

"Ya really wanna hear me say it, don't you?" He sighed. "I'm sick and tired of waiting around for ya to get a clue. I mean I've been trying everything but nothing seems to be getting through that thick skull of yers."

I wiped my eyes dry with my sleeves and replied, "Harry, I'm engaged. And so are you. Even if we feel this way about each other, we can't be together. That's just how it is."

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