VIII. En Garde

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I was walking down the hallway holding my books against my chest when I heard nostalgic sound of swords clashing and echoing in one of the nearby rooms.

I stopped in my tracks and looked around to see a double door room with the banner on top that said, Auradon Fencing Team, that made me squeal in delight.

"Oh hey Peyton, here to watch practice?"

I turned to see Lonnie in a pink fencing uniform. "Cool outfit!"

"Thanks! It used to be plaid yellow and blue so I added a little bit of Princess-touch to it when I became Captain." She smiled. "Now the boys know how well I fight like a girl. Wanna give it a shot?"

I hugged my books to my chest and grinned. "I don't know, I think I'm a little rusty."

"Its fine, and the boys won't mind another girl during practice. Come on in." She opened the door for me and I went in without the slightest hint of hesitation.

Back in Neverland, I've always trained in a clearing in the woods far from my dad's sight. So seeing a place like this, with equipments and different obstacles, I just couldn't pass this up.

There were several people in their uniforms and masks sparring and chatting with each other, making my heart race in excitement.

"Line up, boys!" Lonnie barked at the fencing team, her voice as firm as the crack of a whip when she gave an order.

The guys stopped playing around and stood in front of her without question.

"Today, we will be training with a new member, but seeing as he's still not here," She placed a hand on my shoulder, making every guy in the room turn their attention to me. "Peyton Darling here will be his temporary substitute."

My eyes went wide. "M-Me?"

What took me by surprise more was when no one from the male's team complained from Lonnie's interjection.

"Well? I don't see any objections."

One of the guys threw a sword over to me and I clumsily caught it before it hit the floor.

"Stand proud, Peyton. Let's go!" Lonnie pat my back which sent me forward and into one of the fencers.

"S-Sorry! I didn't mean to-" I tried to push myself off him, but then the man in the mask held my wrist and kept me in place.

"Be careful, alright? I know how reckless you can get in things like this."

I blinked in disbelief. "J-Jay?"

"Who else, dummy? Just make sure you don't get yourself hurt out there." He bonked his mask against my forehead. "Nice acting skills by the way, didn't bought your little clumsy act for a second though."

Typical of Jay to see through me that easy. If I regret one thing, its letting him know everything about the real me.

I changed into a black pair of fencing jacket and mask before getting into the real deal.

I wasn't lying when I said I was a little rusty, but that didn't mean I sucked at it.

Carlos was up first for me. He stood at the other end of the mat and went into his stance when Lonnie yelled,

"En garde."

I lowered myself and aligned the sword with my ribcage.


I took in a sharp breath, then let it all out in one go.


Carlos was the first to advance and lunge at me with everything he's got.

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