XXXII: The Aftermath

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To my relief, everyone else was safe and sound by the time they were all called back to the palace. Most of them settled in the dining area where dinner was to be served in a few, while some went and wandered around the halls guided by their curiosity of the unknown.

Almost all of Neverland's history has been erased from the books ever since the alliance was severed by my father. If they wish to find out more about the last Kingdom of magic and wonder then this may be the only chance, at least for now.

I, on the other hand, have had enough discovering for one day.

Meeting Harry's mother is one thing, uncovering the truth about my ability is another.

I can't imagine what people would do to me if they knew what I was capable of.


My train of thoughts stopped in its tracks when I heard my father's voice from down the hall.

I didn't even realize I was just leaning against a wall for the past few hours until I saw the time on the grandfather clock across from me.

"Dinner's being served. I just made a toast to congratulate the kids from Auradon." He smiled. "Why don't you join them?"

"How's William doing?"

His shoulders slowly dropped as he sighed. "He's fine. He just had a mild concusion but nothing our doctors can't remediate."

That's all I needed to hear.

I pushed myself off the wall and walked down the opposite corridor. "I'm just gonna go out for some air, if that's alright with you- considering that you've always known exactly what is best for me. Isn't that about right?"


"I can't be around you right now. Not after what happened."

My father used his power of flight to catch up and gently grabbed me by the arm. "My dear, your mother and I-"

I scoffed. "My mother would still be alive if it weren't for you keeping this whole damn thing a secret. I could've helped a lot of good people, but because you were selfish enough to keep this to yourself thinking that you could keep me safe in this way, then all those deaths are on you."

Over the years, I noticed that Peter Pan's biggest weakness is seen in his eyes. His face may be ranging from nonchalant to childish from time to time, but the real emotions are in his eyes. And right now, all they held was pain.

I pulled my arm back and made my way out of the front doors.

The Faire Castle was built around the Mother Tree where the pixie dust was first made. It stood as a symbol of our origin and power, but now that I know the truth, I had an earth shattering realization that I haven't even scratched the surface yet.

All of this is just for show. Everything I've been told, everything I knew- was it all twisted in some way too?

If that's how it is, then I will not take the crown if I don't even know what the hell I'm in for. By blood or by right, I don't care anymore.

I refuse to be Queen of Neverland.

~ Harry's Point of View ~

"Shit." I cursed at the sharp pain in my chest when I tried to get up.

"Hey, stay down, you dumbass! You're gonna hurt yourself." It was Jay who pushed me back a little to forcefully than I thought he would. "Doctor said you need to rest. Those chimeras really did a number on you."

Chimeras? It wasn't chimeras who nearly had be biting the dust. It was a bullet.

And I know exactly who fired it.

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