XXIV: The Brute

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I lowered my head as the man in a green suit resumed discussing the trip we will be having with the whole class by the end of the week, which also happens to be our last day here in Auradon.

No matter how much courage I tried to muster upon entering the classroom, I still couldn't look my dad in the eye- not after what happened this morning.



"Starting tomorrow, that is." Harry planted a kiss on my shoulder which made me shudder with fear and anticipation.

I gasped when he suddenly flipped us over and pressed me down onto the mattress, then discarded his shirt before climbing on top of me.

My heart felt like it was gonna burst if he goes even further. I mean, sure I've dated a lot of suitors back in Neverland but I never actually did the frickle frackle with anyone.

And quite frankly, the way people write about it in books sounds incredibly painful.. and a little awkward.

The thought of it alone makes my head hurt.


"Say my name like that again and I swear I won't hold back."

I placed my hands on his chest to keep some kind of safe distance between us just as he tried to lean in. "P-Please.. I just want to talk."

He narrowed his eyes at me. "About what?"

"About Will-"

"Seriously? You really wanna talk about him now?"

"I know, I know. It's just.." I closed my eyes and sighed. "I don't want you to think that I went out with another guy when you weren't around."

"Wait, am I missing something here? 'Cause that's exactly what you just did, right?" He grabbed my bounded wrists and hung them on the hook sticking out of the bedframe.

Call me drunk but isn't that his father's hook?

I have no idea what the hell Harriet made me drink tonight so logically water was my first resort into sobering up, but as it turns out, there's an even quicker way to snap me out of it.

I'm not sure why but being this close to him, I couldn't help but notice for the first time just how muscular his shoulders were. I let my eyes linger on him for a while before gazing up to his lips.

My face felt warmer as I stared.

The pirate looked away for a second, a brush of red on his cheeks barely visible in the dim light. "You really are afraid of me, aren't ya?"

I blinked up at him. "N-No.."

"Then why are ya starin' at me like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like-" He caught himself halfway. "Forget it."

I wanted to console him somehow so I unconsciously tugged on the restraint and regretted it immediately when it burned my skin, making me cry from the pain.

To my surprise, Harry carefully lifted my hands away from the hook and removed the belt.

I sat up and rubbed my sore wrists, holding them against my chest.

"I'm sorry." He moved to sit at the end of the bed, hanging his head down as he hunched forward with his forearms on his knees. "I didn't mean to hurt you. Maybe.. maybe I really am a brute."

I reached up to touch his arm, but hesitated when he told me not to.

Back in Neverland, I often heard that term whenever the High Council referred to former Pirate Captain, James 'Jas' Hook.

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