XXX: Black Blood

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Dedicated to the legend that is Cameron Boyce. Rest easy now.

~ Peyton's Point of View ~

"Help!" I cried out as I struggled with the limited air I still had left inside the chest.

The water level was only inches away from filling up the entire box and I'm not sure if I can still hold on for long.

Where are you, Harry?

"Damn it!" I tried kicking the lock again but it wouldn't budge. "Help!"

It was only a matter of time before I run out of air space and resorting to drastic measures might just cost me my last breath. I gotta keep it together, but I can't wait around for help to come.

Dad won't stop the game just because I'm dying- he'd rather use that situation as leverage. He just can't resist the chance of having a dramatic ending.

I took in a deep breath before the box filled up to the top.

All I could hear at the moment was silence, complete and utter silence as I concentrated on not panicking just yet.

Then a click made my eyes shot wide open.

When the chest opened up, I couldn't see who it was. The water made everything blurry and the lack of oxygen in my lungs wasn't helping either.

Whoever it was, they were strong enough to haul me out and swim us both back up on land before time ran out.

I heaved air the second we reached the surface and looked over to my savior and champion. "W-William?"

To be honest, I was half expecting it to be.. well to hell with whoever it is. I shouldn't feel this biased about him. I mean we weren't even on good terms the second I was brought here and I highly doubt he would return to the one place in the world that would remind him of his father.

I guess his hate weighs a lot more than his love.

William threw himself on his back as coughed out water then started panting heavily.

"You won.." I managed a smile. "You won the Treasure Hunt."

"No.." He groaned, pointing over my shoulder. "H-He needs help.."

A cold fear surged through me as I turned around and stared at the scene with pure horror.

"Hello, Darlin'."

Right in front of me was my father, Peter freakin' Pan, all beat up and unconscious as he was held up by the front of his shirt. There was blood dripping from his shoes as he dangled three feet off the ground.

My eyes trailed up to the man whose eyes were as dark as the abyss and skin as pale as that of the dead.

"Missed me?" Harry grinned, the air around him hostile and unforgiving.

That is not my Harry.

~ Harry's Point of View ~

An hour earlier

I blacked out from the blood loss maybe about a few minutes ago. I wasn't sure, but the sun was about to set so that means I was out for some time.

And I was moving, despite being on my back the whole time.

I tried getting my head straight and realized that I was being dragged by my feet across the jungle floor.

"I gotta say, son." The man spoke, grunting as he pulled. "You are not your old self right now. I remember you being a lot faster on your feet. I guess Auradon has made you soft- don't even get me started on married life. I gained five pounds after a few months of being with my Wendy."

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