XIX: Everyone Wins

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~ Harry's Point of View ~

There was no way I could find my sleep that night, not after seeing my sister for the first time in years since she went away on an expedition with her crew.

I didn't imagine our reunion to be like this, but I guess there's no helping it.

Harriet thinks I betrayed my own family back home just 'cause I came to Auradon with Peter's daughter as my one-way ticket. But as far as I'm concerned, all of that's nonsense.

I came here out of my own volition after I saved Peyton from drowning, 'cause she offered me a chance at a new life. Where I can set everything right and actually make something of myself.

And maybe being with Peyton is the start of all that.

I sat up just as the midget crashed on the couch.

She looked tired, probably from all the preparations they've been making for this little secret hideout.

I shrugged my coat and tucked her in with it. "Don't ya think for a second that I didn't hear yer lil confession, Darlin'." Then kissed her forehead.


I turned to the door and saw Mal in her purple pajamas. "Evenin', love."

"What are you two still doing here? It's late."

"Just makin' sure she's safe before I leave. Is everything ready?"

She nodded. "Ben just got word from the Royal Guards. They cleared the perimeter of the palace twice today, yet still no sign of Harriet. Tomorrow they'll hit the docks to search for anything that might help in finding her."

"I appreciate what Benjamin's been doing, really, but you could tell him to rest easy now. I'll be out before daybreak to find her myself."

"You don't have to do that. Let's just leave this to the proper authorities-"

"Yer boyfriend won't admit it, but he knows I'm more capable than all of his Guards combined." I stared at my palm and traced the prominent scar with my fingers. "I know Harriet. If there's anyone who can take her down- it's me."

She crossed her arms and sighed. "She's still your sister, Harry."

My eyes flickered up to hers and noticed how affected the lass is by my decision.

If my memory serves me right, Mal was a friend of Harriet way before she knew Evie, Carlos and Jay. I mean, that's how we met in the first place.

"I know what I'm doing. Trust me on this one, love."

"You know, she always talked about how proud she was of you back when we were on the Isle." A frown tugged down on her lips. "I remember you telling me that, whenever you try to imagine your mom's face, you couldn't remember her anymore. Instead you see Harriet, 'cause she's always been there for you even when you didn't want her to."

I forced a smile and started making my way towards the door. "People change, Mal. You should know that better than anyone."

"She's your sister!"

No matter how much reasoning she plans to lay down, I couldn't see myself buying into all that bullshit ever again.

I put a finger up to my lips just as I walked past her. "She was."

What's to come has nothing to do with her being family. After all, this ain't a matter of blood.

Its simply instincts, and my instincts tells me to protect what I hold most dear.

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