VII. The Maverick

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And yes, Robbie Kay from Once Upon A Time is the Peter Pan I'm using for Peyton's dad. 😍


"M-Mal? Evie?"

The two of them stared at me in disbelief.

"You guys!" Smiling, I ran up to them and tackled them with a hug. "I thought you were both back at the Isle- what are you doing here?"

A mischievous smirk tugged at Mal's lips before saying, "We had our ways."

Evie tossed her blue hair over her shoulder. "Especially now that Mal's the future Queen of Auradon."

"E!" Malificent's daughter scolded her.

"Really? That's so awesome- how did you guys even get here?"

"Oh you know, Ben's first proclamation about giving the new generation a chance was mainly for VKs, so here we are."

Mal shook her head. "Well enough about us! I mean, its a miracle your dad even let you live here in Auradon, considering how up-tight he is."

Yeah.. a miracle. Let's go with that.

I scratched the back of my head and laughed it off. "Its kind of a long story, but the good news is that I'm staying for the whole year."

A knock on the door caught our attention.

"Come in."

It was Jane who poked her head inside the room and called for Mal regarding something about choosing ecru or eggshell colored drapes for the Gala venue and so on.

"I gotta bolt guys, I'll see you later okay?"

We both waved at her. "Bye Mal!"

"Bye- and don't mess up my painting. I'm still working on that."

At the corner of the room stood a canvas on an easel with a beautiful looking painting that's half-way done.

Gosh, Mal's so talented I can't help but be jealous.

I sat down on one of the beds with Evie and she started braiding my hair just like back when we were kids.

"Its so good to see a familiar face for once."

She pulled me in for another hug as a response. "You have no idea how much we missed you Peyt."

I remember how I met the VKs like it was yesterday.

My mum was on a ship with her team from London to give help to those who need it in the Isle.

I asked her so many times to take me with her but she kept saying no, thinking that the Isle is no place for a child.

Of course, being the stubborn Pan that I am, I snuck on her ship and secretly wandered the streets of the Isle.

During my little adventure, I bumped into Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos- who were the members of the most feared gang in the Isle at the time.

Somehow I managed to befriend them when I made an enemy of Uma- and that was how our friendship started.

"So tell me, how's Neverland?"

"Oh you know, still a magical yet very secluded place from the outside world. It gets kinda boring, honestly."

The Evil Queen's daughter held up a hand to her chest. "Really? A world full of magic and adventure is boring? I find that hard to believe." She giggled. "Not to mention your dad is the Fairy King. How is he by the way?"

I shrugged. "Still young as ever."

Well its Neverland, a place where those born of fairy blood never age. Though I'm the only exception, since I'm half human.

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