XXVII: No Holds Barred

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~ Harry's Point of View ~

In every game of Treasure Hunt, there used to be only two roles played; the Hunters and the Treasure.

The Hunters are those who go on a wild goose chase not knowing shit about the latter's location, and the Treasure, which can either be a person or an object, is hidden wherever the Game Master sees it fit.

In this case, its Peyton.

There are no rules in this taboo tradition of ours. If you wanna get down 'n dirty with the other Hunters, there will be no holds barred. Its every man for himself in a Treasure Hunt.

At least that's how it used to be. Ever since Peter Pan became the new Game Master, he turned our ways of the Hunt into something a little more humane.

Now there are three roles to be played in this game and one official rule.

There are the Hunters, the Treasure, and the Key.

Before we could even get close to the Treasure, we would need a Key to open that crazy big chest.

Though a Key isn't some thing that's lying around under a rock somewhere- its a person. And as the rule states; the Key has to be someone that you'd rather die than to team up with. That's not how its written in the books but that's the gist of it.

From then on, Treasure Hunt was no longer any man for himself.

A Hunter and a Key must work together in order to find the Treasure, as painful as that sounds, no one else has won this game without being forced to get along with the person they hate the most.

By the time I arrived in Neverland, several pixies flew over to me to show me the guide that contains a quick run-down of the things I mentioned earlier, then handed me a map of the island.

"I'm not gonna need it."

"Are you certain, My King?"

"Definitely-" I was knocked off my feet by some idiot who didn't know how to stick a landing and nearly crushed the poor pixie that went down with us.

Thankfully I caught her in my hands just in time and made sure she didn't get hurt.

"The hell's the matter with ya?! Almost got the wee thing killed!" I turned to my shoulder and saw the bastard holding his bruised forehead. "William?!"

He looked up and was as surprised as I was. "S-Sorry. I'm not really good with flying."

"Neither with landing, apparently. Get off me!"

The wee pixie popped her head out from my hands and thanked me, then her eyes went wide at the sight of William getting back on his feet.

"What luck, My King! A Hunter has found his Key!"

I blinked and tried to register what she just said. "What the fuck?"

William began shooting questions at the pixie which she answered like she's tasked to.

"A Hunter and a Key must work together in order to find the Treasure. If they refuse to do so, then the Princess is as good as dead."

It pissed me off how bluntly she said it, but I'm even more pissed to know who I'm partnered up with.

There's no way in hell my Key's this guy! It just doesn't make any sense! This son of a bitch tried to make a move on my Peyton and now he's- ah, no wait. I'm seeing it now. Yeah, this guy's the Key.

I sighed in defeat and pushed myself off the ground. "C'mon Westergaard. We gotta find Peyton before sundown."

"I didn't know we had a time limit."

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