XVI: Forget Me, Not

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I've always thought that, ever since I was a kid, I'd meet a handsome Prince from some far off land and he'd win my love by saving me from a wicked villain- just like any little girl's fantasy.

Now I realize how ridiculous I was back then.

After meeting so many dashingly brave Princes from across their Kingdoms, who knew that I'd fall for the wicked villain instead?

It's actually funny now that I think about it.

Harry placed my arms around the back of his neck and pulled me closer by holding onto my waist. "I'm really glad we skipped class."

"Yeah, it may not be the best option but it helped get my mind off things." I smiled genuinely, as if every part of me that was uneasy earlier this morning went away just like that. "Harry?"


"Mind if I ask you something?"

"Ya already are." He grinned. "What is it?"

"Doesn't it bother you?"

"Ya gotta be more specific, Darlin'. A lotta shit bothers me these days."

I hesitated for a second. "I mean, it's weird that our families have been nothing but enemies before. And now, I just don't get how this doesn't phase you in any way."

His shoulders shook a little when he tried to stifle a laugh. "I thought you'd be the last person to ask that, since you never really minded the fact that I'm Hook's son."

"I don't know, I guess its just.. I was thinking about something."

"A penny for your thoughts?"

For some reason, that exact phrase sounded so foreign but at the same time I know I've heard it before. I might not have the greatest memory- being filled to the head with nothing but lessons about etiquette and table manners, but I know someone said the same thing to me years ago.

And that person might just be the one standing right in front me.

The edge of my lips curved at the sudden deja vu. "Say, how did we meet in the first place?"

"Gettin' all curious, are we now?" Harry smirked. "Well it wasn't the typical kind, I'll give ya that."

"You mean the one where you saved me from falling off a cliff? I already know that part. Tell me something I don't know."

He seemed to have thought long and hard about it. "I guess that was the day when yer mum left for ol' London. You were so down- ya didn't bother eatin' or coming out of yer room, ya didn't even talk to yer dad. Basically no one in the whole Kingdom knew what to do."

I narrowed my eyes on the ground, trying to remember every detail of that day.

"That night, after an exhausting and grueling training with my sis, Peter came over in secret and somehow managed to convince me to take a shot at tryna cheer ya up."

"Why you though? Not that I wouldn't have enjoyed your company- just why?"

He scratched the back of his neck and tried looking at anywhere else other than my eyes. "I was.. supposed to meet ya formally that day. Ya never knew me so Peter thought maybe meeting the kid who saved ya before would put a smile back on that pretty lil face of yers. But by the time I got to the palace, Tinkerbell and the rest of the staff was in hysteria when they realized you were missing."

~ Harry's Point of View ~

Several Years Ago

"Gather every Fair Folk and Lost Boy in the Kingdom! And send word to the Indian Tribe immediately! Tell them to scour the whole island down to its core- and find my daughter!" Fear was prominent from Peter's voice despite the stoic tone acting as a brave front. "Tink, I need you to stay here just in case she comes back."

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