VI. Temporary Truce

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"Uhm.. do you two know each other?" That was a stupid question, obviously.

"Unfortunately, yes." Ben's grip tightened around my wrist when he pulled me behind him.

"Oh, then I supposed His Majesty would like to introduce me." And Harry, this brilliant boy who never failed to amuse me, grabbed my other hand as he inched closer to the King, pulling me back to him with double the strength.

I swear I heard my arms pop from their sockets.

"Alright, enough of this!" I yanked both of my arms back and crossed them over my chest, trying my best to look like that didn't strain my limbs even more. "What is wrong with you two?"

It was the King who stepped in front of me to start, blocking the pirate from view. "You shouldn't be around this man. He's-"

"The son of Hook, I know."

He blinked in disbelief from my tone and deadpan expression. "But you're Peter Pan's daughter.. right?"

"Don't you think its shallow to have that kind of mindset? I mean, its the 21st century and not to offend you or anything- its just that, so what?" I pointed out. "And aren't you the one who said that the new generation deserves a second chance?"

"Yes but I've dealt with this man before and he almost killed me and my friends."

"Let me guess, Uma was there?"

That vindictive little turd, always the manipulative one. I hate how easy it is for her to wrap people around her finger and make them do her bidding.

"Well yeah but that still doesn't justify what he did."

"Oi. Dun' talk like I ain't here."

I looked over at Harry to make him shut up then back at Ben. "Harry saved my life. I know its hard to believe for a villain to do such a thing- but he did, and I owe him for that."

The King was taken aback by that. "H-How?"

"Long story short, Uma caused me to fall overboard and he jumped right in the water to save me." I sighed. "And he's got nowhere else to go because of it."

Ben turned around to meet Harry's cocky smirk and was hesitant at first, but he eventually find the right words to say. "I have a hard time believing that you saved the Princess without a second thought and threw away your whole identity just like that."

"Aye." He nodded. "Can't blame ya though. Ya see her dad was an old friend of mine. I guess ya can say I got it from him."

Selfless heroism, that's the essence of being a Pan, and Harry's got that down just right.

"I can't say I fully trust you yet, but I'm willing to have the benefit of the doubt as long as the Princess is in good terms with you."

"Never said I trusted ya either."

I ignored the ridiculous tension between the two then started picking up some of the paper bags on the floor.

"Lemme help ya Darlin'-"

"No, let me help you, Your Highness."

And once again, I was trapped in between the two idiots who're trying to out-do each other.

"Just let me do it!" I snapped, grabbing everything from them and made my way out the mall.


The limo ride was a bit awkward due to the incredible tension hanging into the air- but mostly because it consisted of Harry and Ben sending each other death glares.

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