II. Stockholm Syndrome

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I shot up from bed when a loud blast shook the whole ship and had screams sounding right above deck.

"Round them all up until you find her! I don't care if you have to turn this whole ship over or blow it up into splinters- find her!"

I know that voice.

"Oh this is bad! Harry-" I turned to my roommate only to find his bed empty.

Where in Hades could that boy be?!

I was about to grab my things when someone barged into the room with a sword and a wicked grin.

"Hello dearie-"

I didn't think twice when I threw my bag to his face then kicked his sword up into the air. I caught it just in time to point it at the man's eye. "Step aside."

He did as I said reluctantly, still sending daggers in my direction as I walked out into the hall to witness the exact same scenario in everyone else's rooms.

"Pirates, it just had to be pirates." I scoffed, smiling to myself. "Hey codfishes!"

They all turned to me with awful scowls and grimaces.

I held my necklace and took my stance. "Let's dance."


Dad never allowed me to learn sword fighting or any form of combat for the purpose of my safety- but like my good friend King Fergus of Clan DunBroch said, 'Princess or not, learning to fight is an essential'. And those are the words that I live by.

Hence, this.

I clashed swords with two pirates and threw them both off by sweeping their feet, then grabbed one of their swords to meet with another.

"Give it up, lassie!" The buff man laughed, weighing me down with his sword.

"You should tell your captain that." I took advantage of his weight distribution and ducked, sending him flying across the hallway.

The ship leaned on one side again followed by screams, assuming that Uma released another blast upstairs.

I clicked my tongue in irritation.

It took me a few more minutes to beat up the rest of the pirates down here before I silently sneaked my way upstairs.

I laid low and watched as Uma walked around the ship while intimidating passengers.

"Come out, little Pan. I know you're on this ship, so you better not waste my time." She giggled, then took an innocent little girl from her parents.

She tried thrashing against Uma's grip but froze up when a blade was pressed to her neck.

Ursula's kid really doesn't mess around, does she?

"Let her go, Uma." I walked up the stairs with a devil-may-care facade to hide my concern for the little girl.

"I was starting to think you'd never show."

"And miss a chance of seeing my favorite shrimp in a pirate hat?" I smirked. "I don't think so."

Uma scoffed at my remark, pressing the blade further on the girl's skin. "Drop your weapons."

I know how useless it is to argue with a girl like this one, so I obliged without complain by throwing both swords at her feet, barely missing her by an inch.

She released the girl and let her run back into her parents’ arms crying.

I looked around to see the other passengers who are either doing the same or shaking in fear of the pirates surrounding them, but I didn't see Harry anywhere.

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