XX: Family

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| shoutout to @LoneTimberWolfGirl , thanks for helping me out chica! so glad i met you xoxo |   

~ Harry's Point of View ~

"Aw, are you mad at me?" Harriet cooed as she walked in front of me with her hands bounded behind her back. "C'mon, say something little brother. Aren't you proud?"

"Shut yer trap and keep moving."

It was a simple request that any dense human being would understand on a basic scale, but for some reason she couldn't get it.

My sister stopped in her tracks and turned to grin at me.

I had to resort to other means and raised my gun to her forehead, making sure she saw me clicking the safety pin off. "Walk."

"Oh please, you wouldn't shoot me. I know you-"

"You don't know a damn thing about me!" I growled. "That's the last thing I wanna hear from you."

She stepped forward against the barrel without a speck of hesitation. "So what? You want me to apologize for leaving you behind?"

The answer didn't come easy to me, seeing as that nothing ever does, but now is not the time to be sentimental.

That was the first thing she taught me- how to be cold and borderline demented. To her, it came oh-so naturally. For me, well, that's a whole other story.

"No, even if ya do say ye're sorry, I know I'd only be hearin' a lie." I said. "I've grown from the past, and so should you."

Harriet narrowed her eyes at me, then looked away. "Unlike you, I raised myself. Father never gave a shit about us- that's why I took care of you all those years ago. You were one hell of a burden, sure, but you were still my brother." She chuckled lightly. "I remember you always trying to make me acknowledge you as an equal. You did your best and challenged me from time to time, but you never succeeded."

"That's all behind me now."

"I wish I could say the same thing." She forced a smile. "Do you know why I never once saw you as an equal?"

I shook my head no.

"Oh Harry, you truly are precious."

Don't listen to her.

My conscience chose to be rational about this, but my heart didn't. I just wanted to know why. Why she did what she did, and why she chose to leave me behind when she escaped from the Isle.

For so long, this is the first time she's opened her mouth to something this.. personal.

She's never been known for her family-orientedness, after all.

I lowered my gun and let her speak.

My sister closed her eyes and let out sigh. "I could never rival your abilities, not then and certainly not now. No one's ever put a scratch on me before, not even Peter Pan, yet you were something else. Ever since I managed to escape the barrier with my crew, there was never a day that I didn't regret leaving you behind. And now look at you." She paused. "You're the spitting image of our father."

I flinched at the mention of him and scowled. "If we were still back on the Isle, I would've taken that as the highest praise I could get. One that'll have me grinnin' for days. Now I just find it offensive."

"I don't doubt it. You're a disgrace to the family."

"Ya know, after everythin', I'm actually glad that I met Peter and his daughter. 'Cause, honestly, I could've turned out a lot worse- I could've turned out like you, no offense." I smirked. "And Peyton's been family to me in a matter of months than you have been in a lifetime."

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