XI. Midnight Revelation (2)

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The moment I came to, I tilted my head up to find a masked woman sitting on a chair across from me.

I tried to get up but I was bounded to a chair with a cloth covering my mouth shut.

"Oh, poor little Pan." Uma mocked. "You're the only person I know who's dumb enough to drag attention to herself, even though you knew I was coming or you wouldn't have found that necklace."

I looked around the room and counted off the pirates surrounding me in what looks like the dim room behind the function hall. I can tell from the audible party music.

"Aww. See someone missing?" Uma pushed her chair back and stood right in front of me, then pointed the tip of a sword against my neck. "You see, there's a creed we live by, and its honour amongst thieves. Unfortunately one of our own lacked that creed and decided to go rogue- oh and don't worry, that traitorous scum is having his own problems right now."

It took everything in me to suppress a laugh but Uma just wasn't making it any easy.

She narrowed her eyes at me and ordered Gil to remove the cloth from my mouth.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I couldn't help myself." I snorted in an unlady-like manner. "You just crack me up! I know I'm somewhat naïve but you are just making this too easy."

"Stalling can only get you so far, Princess." She turned to her comrades and smirked. "Make sure he's fully restrained. I don't want anything to happen to that boy until I confront him. Understood?"

They all nodded.

"Then go. Gil, you stay here."


Its like we're back on the ship where I was tied up and faced with certain death, but now that I think about it, this is actually a lot more certain than before.

Though the plan of getting Uma's attention worked, I can't help but feel anxious about Harry. If he doesn't get here soon, then I definitely won't live to see the next sunrise.

Well now I've set the plan into motion, all that's left is for Harry to do his part and we'll make things up as we go from there.

"Still not paying attention to me? Maybe this'll fix that."

I bit my bottom lip hard enough to prevent me from screaming when Uma glided the blade across my collarbone.

If I make a single noise, people in the function hall might hear it and I'm not gonna let this shrimpy have her way.

Blood started to stain my dress and I'm not sure what I should be more concerned of- the open wound or the fact that Evie's gonna kill me for messing up her pretty dress.

I managed to keep myself calm even after another slash to my arm.

"U-Uma, I think you should stop."

"Can it, Gil! This girl has been a thorn in my side for far too long- and now she's getting what she deserves after Harry betrayed us!"

Right before she brought down her sword on me, another blade blocked hers and forced her to back away, creating a loud clank sound from metal hitting metal.

I found myself staring at a hand that started to untie me. "W-What took you so long?"

"Ah, sorry Darlin'. I was enjoying myself too much with my old mates, I forgot there was a damsel in distress." Harry jumped overhead and clashed swords with Uma. "Gil, get her out of here!"

I forced myself to stand up with the pirate supporting my weight, the hazy feeling was still lingering and the slashes on my skin are the only things keeping my mind awake thanks to the pain.

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