XXVI: Fieldtrip

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Shoutout to @Stranger_fairytales

You are incredible. Thank you for making the new cover. Love you lots!

~ Peyton's Point of View ~

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~ Peyton's Point of View ~

"Good morning, my dear students!"

I jumped from my seat when dad entered the classroom in the most discreet way possible- by kicking the door open and showing up in his native garb.

Just seeing him wearing it again for the first time in a long while gives me that feeling of nostalgia. Gods, how I miss my home.

He grinned as he stood in front of the whole class. "I gotta say, I am beyond delighted to know that all of your parents and guardians have given their consent upon allowing you to join in today's trip."

Doug, the ever so curious boy, raised his hand to ask my dad a question. "Professor, I apologize for pointing this out but you do know that it would take at least 2 days to travel to Neverland by a ship, right?"

Dad nodded, his smile wide enough to reach his eyes.

I slowly sunk down into my seat and realized that the four VKs sitting in front of me did the exact same thing.

We all knew that Peter Pan was scary when he's pissed, but he's even more so with that smile of his.

He reeks of trouble, and its not the childish kind. The last time this happened was when- oh my gods..

I wanted to bolt out of room and get as far away as I could, but then a hand held me by the shoulder and forced me back down to my seat.

"You are absolutely right, champ. But there's more to this trip than you kids expect!" Dad continued, giving my shoulder a light squeeze. "Everyone, please accept these humble gifts as a token of my appreciation for being able to join us today."

From the door flew in a golden glowing creature along with small brown sacks that floated across the classroom until it reached its designated person.

It was pixie dust- the kind that aunt Tink and her people make back home.

Speaking of pixies, the golden creature spun around and threw her arms up in a gesture that made dust explode around her for dramatic effect.

"Oh my gods!"

"Its her! Its really her!"


Tink tilted her head to the side and smiled. "Hello, children. It is such an honor to finally be here in Auradon."

"Everyone, meet Tinkerbell. My most trusted Advisor and my best friend. She's gonna be making sure that you kids stay safe as you venture Neverland. But unfortunately, she won't be with you for the most part."

I felt a shiver run down my spine.

Here comes the twist.

"Back in my Kingdom, I host a fun little game for all the five Clans to take part in and enjoy. Fair warning, this game is not for the feint of heart. Your courage will be tested, in more ways than one. And as much as I don't like violence, I can't promise anything. Good thing your parents signed the wavers." Dad chuckled. "This game I've grown to love, I like to call it, 'Treasure Hunt'."

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