I. Peyton Darling

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|i'm totally gonna go off-book here and just stick to what the movie has inspired me to write|

I sighed to myself as I thought about the things I could be doing right now if I wasn't on this island.

Don't get me wrong, I love living in Neverland.

Unlike in other Kingdoms where magic no longer exists or is forbidden, Neverland is still a different world of enchantment and wonder.

From what my mum told me, Auradon is a very beautiful place where Kingdoms are united as one by the noble King Adam, also known as the Beast. He did so after his marriage with Belle as some sort of legacy for the next generation, all the while locking up every single villain in a place called the Isle with a magical barrier around it.

How I wish I could go and see it for myself.

Oh, where are my manners?

My name's Peyton Pan, and I'm the only daughter of Wendy Darling and Peter Pan.

I'm currently locked up inside my room after the harmless stunt I pulled earlier this morning.

I stole some pixie dust from the fairies and tried to fly away from this island to see what's on the other side of such a vast ocean- turns out there was only more ocean for miles and miles ahead.

At some point I ran out of pixie dust and nearly drowned from exhaustion if it wasn't for my dad finding me just in time.

Once we got back to our humble abode, he showered me with a ton of scolding and gave emphasis to the words 'I've had enough of your childish nonsense.' and 'I only want to keep you safe."

That's what he always tells me.

I flopped down on my bed and screamed into my pillow in frustration.

I mean, why can't I just go out there like any normal person? Mum does it all the time to go to England, or wherever that place is. I'm just so sick and tired of being stuck in one place for the rest of my life.

Ever since my dad was crowned as the Fairy King, laws became stricter around here, or so aunt Tinkerbell told me.

"Peter's just looking out for you, that's all." She smiled as she sat her small frame on my window. "He used to be like you, you know. A happy-go-lucky kid who didn't care about the rules so he went around breaking them all the time."

"I find that hard to believe."

"Peyton, remember that your dad only wants-"

"To keep me safe, I know." I sighed. "But it wouldn't hurt to have a little faith in me, right? I mean there's a whole other world out there.. and I might never get the chance to see it."

My kind aunt tried to cheer me up in so many ways, but unfortunately, none of them did the trick for me.

I laid on my side and watched as a shooting started glide across the dark sky outside, but what caught my attention most was the floating scroll that aunt Tink had behind her.

She smiled at my puzzled expression and said, "Happy birthday, Peyton."

I blinked as the sudden realization dawned on me.

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