IX. Promises

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~ Harry's Point of View ~

I tapped my foot on the ground impatiently as I looked around for her. "Where is that damned brat?" I ran a hand down my hair and noticed a few prissy Princesses walking in my direction.

"Hi Harry." The three of 'em greeted me.

"Hey." I kept turning from left to right but still no sight of her.

"You look really handsome in that denim jacket."

"Yeah, thanks."

"So are you going to the dance later tonight?"

Now this is just getting annoying. Can't they see I'm waiting for someone?


The girls giggled. "Do you have a date then?"

A smirk tugged on the edge of my mouth when I finally saw Darling running in one of the hallways on the second floor then jumped right down from the window. "You bet I do."

"H-Hey! Sorry I'm late." She panted, making the Princesses stare at her from head to toe. "Evie was taking the last measurements for my dress and I lost track of time and.. I-I'm sorry, did I interrupt something?"

"Nah, they we're just leavin'." I slung an arm around her and started walking away from the scene. "C'mon, or we'll be late for the tour."

~ Peyton's Point of View ~

"W-What are you doing?" I raised a brow at Harry when he pulled me closer by wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"I told ya yer not the only one who wants a piece of Harry Hook." He snickered. "Anyway, I ain't much for minglin'. I get an attitude with new company, that's why I asked ya to be my date."

"Okay first of all, you forced me to be your date. And second, you could've just told me your whole introvertial ordeal rather than literally shove me against a wall and have me kick you where the sun don't shine."

"I actually deserved that part. I ain't one for apologies but I hope tonight will make up for it."

I tilted my head up to face him with a glare. "So you're basically using me as some kind of shield just so other Princesses won't get to annoy you all night long- is that it?"

"Smart little Pan, though ya could've realized that sooner. We Hooks are known to be very cunning, after all." He then took my arms and wrapped them around his torso, practically making me cling onto him like a koala bear. "Besides, we can drag less attention this way."

"Yeah, less." I said in a mocking tone then pulled my arms back, and started making our way to the museum. "Nice jacket by the way. I like the Captain Hook imprint."

"Of all the crap ya bought for me, I took a liking to this one most."

How vain of you, Hook.

I smiled. "It suits you."

He looked down on me with a toothy grin.

"Oh look its Harry!"

"Hi Harry!"

But the pirate didn't pay no mind to his adoring crowd as he placed a kiss on my forehead. "I thought I told ya not to wear shorts anymore- yer too temptin' for me, Darlin'."

I brought my arms back around him and giggled. "I'm all yours, silly."

The fake gasps from the girls were impossible to miss as we walked past them.

I know I'll be getting a lot of crap from this 'pretend relationship', but it didn't matter because as far as I'm concerned, this is all an act to keep those Princesses away from him since he doesn't like dealing with all of them. Although I recall him sitting with a brunette girl in the cafeteria before, so what gives?

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