XXXI: My Harry

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《 i am so sorry for taking so long 》

Before I even knew it, William passed out cold on the ground and left me with nothing but nonsense.

Kill Harry? What does that even mean? And why does it feel like I was talking to someone else just now?

Whatever it was, I'm sure as Hades that that wasn't my Harry. But to have him killed? Is this another riddle I'm meant to crack or just a direct order from my on-the-verge-of-death father? Now I'm confused.

I took the small bag of golden dust from Will's belt and used the remaining contents of it on myself and took to the skies, where I spotted the dark figure hovering over the seas. I just now realized that I was trapped under the waters of Skull Rock for quite some time. It was a fairly obvious choice of hiding place, which got me thinking.

Dad would never let the players find me that easily, at least not when he's testing the royals of Auradon. He'd give them a challenge. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he's been planning to lure something out since the beginning of the game.

But what? What kind of message does he want to say here?

All I know is that my dad is seriously injured and Harry is not himself.

I had a feeling something wrong was gonna happen today, I just wasn't sure how I'd handle it. But for now, I have to get my dad as far away from Harry as humanely as possible.

I yelled out to the pirate to get his attention.

He turned to his shoulder and smirked, then dropped the King's body into the ocean.

I swooped down in an attempt to catch him before he hits the water, but Harry charged at me and rammed his body to my side, which sent me flying in the opposite direction.


The second I got myself properly airborne, he was already in front of me and held my neck with a vise like grip.

"You can't save them."

"I-I'd rather die trying!"

His eyes were pitch black as if he was devoid of a soul and his voice.. it sounded inhuman as he leaned in closer to my ear. "You're halfway there."

I tried clawing at his hand but it was no use. I struggled with him blocking up my windpipe and my vision was growing dark by the second- I had to act fast. "H-Harry.."

There was something that changed in his eyes. For a brief moment, they shifted back to their normal silver and blue piercing colors- the eyes of the man I love- before going back to a dark abyssal pitch.

I noticed that he let up on his grip and it gave me the opportunity to shove him away, letting all my senses go numb in the free fall.

My body's weaker than I could imagine after that little near-death experience underwater, and now I have to deal with this mess like I know what's going on.

Kill Harry. That was the only instruction I was given, and it wasn't helpful- not even close.

I waited for my body to hit the water, but it never did. Before I even knew it I was being carried off by someone towards the jungle.

Her long brunette hair reminded me of Harriet's, but based on her built and stature, she's not the pirate I know. "Are you alright?"

"I-I think so."

The woman wasn't Fairefolk nor did she look like a member of the Lost Clan. So who in Zeus' name is she?

"Good. You stay here, I'll circle back to get Peter." She pulled out a dagger from her coat and placed it in my hand. "Protect yourself."

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