XXV: Non Nocere

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"Hm? Oh there you are, Saber! I've been looking all over for you since this morning. Did you know my baby girl just got engaged?"

"My King, there's been a-"

"And Harry? Hook's kid? I'll tell you, it's a good thing you didn't spear that boy a few years back or my Kingdom wouldn't have a next King-"

"Peter, listen to me."


I looked over my shoulder when I heard uncle Saber saying my dad's name for the first time in a while.

The head of the Lost Clan has never dared disrespect the Fairy King, so there was no reason to start now unless it was absolutely necessary.

Harry must've noticed it too when he gave my hand a gentle squeeze. "Stay here. I'll go check what's going on." Then leaned in to kiss me on the forehead before running up to the two on their way out of the door.

Something about this makes me feel uneasy. Not only that, but the way my dad looked as he left, it was like he reverted to that stoic King that I knew back when we were in Neverland.

I have a bad feeling about this.

It wasn't long until the limousines arrived to pick all of us up and drove us back to the castle. Everyone was still in a bright mood, cracking open the mini bar and making a congratulatory toast to me, seeing as that the bad news hasn't reached them yet.

The drive back was quick and the rest of my classmates went on with their own schedules and classes.

I walked down the hallway to my locker to get some books for next period.

My mind was filled with so many questions from earlier but I doubt I'll get the answers I need on a silver platter.

This is Peter Pan I'm talking about, and my dad would do anything in his power to keep me from knowing something I'm not meant to. Unless Harry convinces him, that is.

I took my stuff out of my locker before closing the door shut.

"You know in some cultures, mine in particular, leaving your date behind without saying anything is considered to be incredibly rude."

At the corner of my eye, I saw Will leaning against the lockers next to me with an open book in his hand.

"I'm sorry, but did I say or do something wrong?" He closed the golden spined book with a snap then turned to me. "Would you please just say something? You're killing me here."

I sighed, hugging my books against my chest. "Can I ask you something, Your Highness?"

"Peyton, I told you. I'd like it more if you called me Will-"

"Your Highness." I pressed on anyway. "Forgive me for leaving so soon last night without saying anything. That was highly inconsiderate of me. Again, I apologize."

"Oh so now you're talking to me formally even when there's no one around? Where's this all coming from?"

"Its the proper way to address a King."

He tried to touch my hand but I took a step back before he could. There was a bit of surprise in his eyes that made me feel a pang in my chest. He was hurt by that gesture, I could tell. "You don't need to be so uptight with me. It's just us here, no one's gonna hear you."

"Quite the scandalous monarch, aren't ya?"

I felt a shiver run down my spine when his voice echoed from the other end of the hall.

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