XXXVI: Coronation

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I was seven at the time.

My mother had just told us about her plans about rescinding her title and going out into the world to help a lot of people. She said it was always her dream to be a volunteer for humanitarian work.

I admired her for it, but my dad didn't take it as well as she had hoped. It took him weeks to come to terms with the whole idea of her leaving us to pursue her calling.

It wasn't easy watching her board a ship headed for a far off land, unsure whether she'll return to us or not. But my dad held my hand the entire time. And since then, it was just us against the world.

That day while he was in his study, I made my way over to the throne room and sat in his chair. My dad usually did his thinking while sitting there so I tried it out myself; I stared at the paintings on the wall, sat on the hand rest, paced around, and even laid down in the middle of the room.

I honestly don't get how my dad thinks in such a dark and boring place.

"Sweetheart? What are you doing down there?"

I got up from the floor and dusted myself off. "I just realized I don't like this room. It's not easy being alone in here."

He smiled with a sigh and then gestured for me to follow him as he walked up to his throne. "Trust me, I know that feeling best. That's why I married your mother, so I had someone to be with in this hollow room. With her in here it didn't feel so suffocating anymore, the air wasn't heavy, the walls were further away from closing in on me, and the throne didn't seem so high up."

My dad may be the boy who could fly, but my mother was the only person who could keep him grounded. They were made for each other, but were never meant to share the same world together.

I pulled myself up on the throne in front of him and made myself comfortable. "It doesn't seem that high. One day I'll grow into it, so you don't have to be alone here."

My dad let out a single laugh through his nose. "You don't have to do that-"

"But I have to." I frowned, looking down on my lap. "That's the only way you can be together with mummy."

"What do you mean?"

"It's the crown that made mummy sad, and it's making you sad too. I promise to grow up very soon so you won't have to be sad anymore." And I meant it.

I wanted my dad to be at my mum's side because he deserves to be with her no matter where her dream takes her.

And I was to be Queen without question in order to set my father free from the chains that binds him to Neverland.

That was ten years ago.

I'm seventeen now. Not much older, but arguably not as naïve.

Now I sit on my father's throne, with him at my side addressing me in front of all the leaders of our land.

He talked about how I trained for years in preparation for this moment and how much of an honor it was to have them witness the day his daughter becomes a bridge between the magic and non-magic world.

The rest of it was a blur, I didn't even realize he was done talking until he placed the crown on top of my head.

"This is unacceptable!"

I looked on to the crowd and noticed my grandfather staring daggers at me.

He suddenly stood from his seat and stood in front of us, making everyone turn to him. "The terms of our compromise have not been met! This is treason of the highest order-"

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2021 ⏰

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