XVII: Professor Pan

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The next day, I barely had my foot inside the shack-like classroom before the bell told me I was late.

I crashed on the seat beside Carlos and nearly fell over if it weren't for him catching me.

"Woah, girl. You alright?"

"Sorry!" I gathered my bearings and started rummaging through my bag like raccoon through a trash bin. "Ugh! Where is it?!"

"Missing something?"

"Yeah, I think I lost my necklace."

His eyes widened. "You mean your family's heirloom?"

"Don't make it sound so bad, I already feel guilty as it is." I grunted. "Damn it! It's not here."

As if on cue, a man walked right through the door in his slick green suit.

"Good morning, class!" He greeted us.

"Good morning, Professor Pan."

Professor? Where in Hades did that respectable title come from?

"Now before we start roll call, I'd like you all to know an important piece of Neverland's history first." He pulled something out of his pocket and showed it to the whole class.

I sank down in my seat when I saw what it was.

"This, my dear students, is the Pan Pipe Crest of my family. I carved it myself when I was just a child- well, you get what I mean." He said. "It's made from the lowest form of silver to symbolize where I began as an outcast to my own land and now here I stand in front of you all as it's King."

Everyone in the room applauded for his little story.

Carlos, the sweet and but painfully innocent boy, raised his hand and pointed at me. "Um, sir? I think Peyton's been looking for that thing."

My dad nodded then threw the necklace over to me. "Indeed she is."

I caught it and tried to hide my face from the entire class in shame.

"You see, students, the Pan necklace is an heirloom that is to be passed down from parent to child and entrusted to them, knowing well that the next generation will handle it with utmost care, rather than leaving it lying around."

The girl I recognized as Audrey snickered at me. "What a klutz, and to think she's the Crowned Princess."

"Don't let her get to you." Cruela's son whispered in a low voice.

Well, she's right about me anyway.

I sighed, then looked around the room. "Harry's still not here, huh?"

"That guy? He usually skips class and only shows up when there's a test and still manages to ace every single one of them. One hell of a VK."

I've actually never been with Harry in any class before so this is news to me.

The day resumed with our 'Professor' teaching us about the citizens and the geography of Neverland, starting with the Mermaids in their Lagoon, to the tribesmen of the Indian Tribe, then ended with the people of the Fair Folk Realm.

Even though I've learned all of these before, I still took down notes just in case and failed to notice it when Audrey was giggling with her friends while staring at me from head to toe.

"So if she's a Fairy then why can't she fly just like her dad?"

"I bet she's adopted. I've never even heard of her before."

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