XXXIV: Murderer

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"Oh Peter, dear!" Gammy was the first to welcome him with an embrace.

They talked for a while before making their way to my mother's casket for the viewing.

My uncles joined them since they had a lot of catching up to do as well. I, on the other hand, have no intentions of even acknowledging his existence right now.

I silently slipped past the gathering crowd of family and friends and was almost successful until someone caught me by the arm.

"Hey, kiddo." He smiled sadly. "It's been three days. Can we talk now?"

I looked back at the man who, surprisingly enough, still has a short nose despite lying to me my whole life. "Three days doesn't even begin to outweigh 19 years, so, no."

"I understand you're upset, and I'll respect your decision wanting time away from me. But please hear me out."

And I did.

He told me how my mother specifically asked to never be revived again when she bites the dust the second time around, so she could finally be at peace.

The thought of using my ability on my mother again never even crossed my mind in the past three days that I've been here for her funeral. I guess after all I've been through, I just wanted to keep the one good person in my life away from a world of lies and deceit.

I nodded. "Will do." Then left the premises.

I just couldn't stand to be in the same room as my father right now. I find his presence maddening to a point where it actually makes me want to pull all my hair out.

That's how deep my hate runs for that man, and I've never resented anyone like this before.


I looked to my shoulder to see Harry leaning on the wall next to the chapel's arch doorway. He had a cigarette in one hand and a white rose on the other.

"I really don't wanna talk right now."

"Good." He grinned like a happy little child. "I'm not in the mood either." Then took a drag out of the roll.

I raised a brow at him and crossed my arms. "You smoke?"

"Goddamn- yer observation skills never seize to amaze me, Darlin'." He said sarcastically, though his expression stayed calm and soft.

"Can I try?"



"If ya got lungs as black as mine then be my guest. But I'm tellin' ya, this vice ain't for everyone."

I mean its not that I'm not used to the smell of smoke or smoking in general- hell, I spent nights at the Indian Camp with Aunt Tiger Lily and they smoked every chance they had. It's their practice to pass around a pipe during a gathering so I have some experience at least.

Harry looked over at my dejected expression and handed me the white rose, then kissed the top of my head. "I'm sorry about Wendy."

I shrugged, my eyes glued to the flower between my fingers. "Thank you. We haven't seen each other in years so it kind of helps with the grieving process."

"Yeah, right." He scoffed. "Ye're a lucky one. She he should be in Wendy's place."

"I'm guessing you met your mom."

"Unfortunately. My own mind's been killing me these past few days so I.. I just knew I had to see ya again, and maybe that would get my head straight."

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