XIII: Under The Stars

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heads up! several swear words were used mainly because i don't like sugarcoating my work.

i hope you like this chapter.

~ Peyton's Point of View ~

Earlier I asked my dad if I should wear a black or green dress for the dinner, and he replied with the most 'Peter Pan' answer I've ever heard.

"Neither, sweetheart. Wear slacks and a button-up shirt if you want, it's more comfortable and easy to move in."

And so I did, with Evie's own design that she made under an hour.

It was a simple white dress shirt tucked in black slacks paired with black stilettos.

"Clean and classy, I love it E. Thank you."

She shrugged confidently. "I am the best."

I left a few buttons up undone and let my hair down in a loose fashion.

"I bet Harry would love to see you in that."

My face felt warm all of the sudden. "W-What are you talking about?"

Evie smirked teasingly. "Oh you know- I mean he's always looking at you when your attention's elsewhere. Its kinda cute."

I rolled my eyes at her and snorted. "Yeah right."

"I'm serious Peyt!"

"So am I. Besides, the guy's already engaged to someone and I have too much respect for someone who could tolerate that bastard."

Speak of the devil, I actually haven't seen that boy all day. I wonder where he is.

As if she heard me, Evie said that she saw him earlier on his way to visit Uma in jail. "He even brought a picnic basket with him."

"Who'd bring a picnic basket to a detainment facility?"

"Harry, apparently. Maybe she's his fiancee, don't you think?"

That Shrimpy? No way in hell. They may be friends but after saving me from falling off her ship, I doubt he's into her like that.

Harry betrayed his crew for me. If anything, I should be- wait, what am I saying?

I shook the thought off and straightened out my shirt. "On second thought, I may not have that much respect for her like I said."

"Whatever you say. Fill me in on the details later, 'kay? And tell Peter I said hi."

"Evie! You're literally half his age!"

"And still looks like a bomb King! Like, seriously."

Smiling, I rolled my eyes at her then headed out of the room. "See'ya later, E!"

On my way to the garden, I saw a nervous Ben waiting for me by the doorway.

He was pacing around the hall while muttering something under his breath before he noticed me, which brought him to a complete pause as he stared at me from head to toe. "Woah.."

"My eyes are up here, champ." I giggled. "And chill out, will you? Everything's gonna be fine."

"I don't know about this Peyton. I mean your plan is brilliant but are you sure your dad's gonna be on board with it? Its never been easy to convince the Fairy King of Neverland, even my parents said so."

"Trust me. As long as we're on the same page, he's gonna agree with our terms without a doubt."

He took in a deep breath then let it out slowly. "Here's to hoping."

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