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Voldemort never knew he could love someone as much as he did the little baby in his arms and for the woman who had just gave birth to her.
"You did well Bella" He mumbled to her before pressing a kiss to her sweaty forehead.Bellatrix grinned at the praise her lord gave her
"T-thank you my lord" she stuttered due to her weakened state,having just gave birth just 10 minutes ago. Voldemort chuckled and shook his head
"Bella, my love, You have just given birth to our daughter, its Tom" He said,Forgetting the fact his lovers sister, Narcissa was still in the room.She turned and studied the family for moment before speaking
"My lord" Red eyes looked at the woman sharply as if she startled him. It terrified her"We still need a name for the little bundle of joy" She said softly,trying not to wake the sleeping baby up.Voldemort looked down at the baby, and then looked at his love thoughtfully.
"What do you think Bella?"
"Hermione" she whispered " Hermione Andi Riddle" Voldemort thought about the name for mere moments before his face split into the biggest grin Narcissa and Bella had ever seen, to be quite honest it scared the living daylights out of both of them.
" Hermione Andi Riddle it is" he said grinning" Why Andi for a middle name?" He questioned Bella despite already knowing the answer
"My sister" Bella mumbled sleepily.She soon succumbed to sleep.Narcissa sighed as turned to leave the room but was stopped by her masters voice.
"Yes,My lord?"
"What is the date today?"
"September 19th 1979

Halloween night. The dreadful day Voldemort was defeated by A BABY. After learning of the prophecy Voldemort went to the potters house in the dead of night to dispose of the boy but the curse bounced off of the boy due to 'a mothers love' and so Voldemort failed and perished. At least his daughter Hermione had her mother......

Her mother Bellatrix had also failed in her mission. She went to the longbottoms house to torture them, leaving baby Hermione in the care of a house elf.However she got caught by aurors and was sent to Azkaban for life leaving the baby in the care of Narcissa and her husband Lucius, but before They could retrieve the baby from the Riddle manor Dumbledore and mcgonagall got there first and kidnapped the baby and put her with a squib and his wife, the Grangers to be raised by muggles until she was able to go to Hogwarts when she was eleven

A/n so i have seen a lot of these stories and wanted to give it a try. And this is my first attempt at a real story.Please forgive me if i get anything wrong as i have not read the books or seen the movies in ages and if i do get anything wrong please leave a comment telling me and i will fix it right away

The next chapter we are jumping ahead to the TriWizard cup and lets pretend all the events leading up to that happened but from then on its going to get AU
Thanks! ~ Bubbly

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