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When the family finally arrived home, Hermione and Draco were whisked off by house elves and put to bed. Of course they were not going to stand for this, what with both there mothers in such a fragile state.

"But daddy" Hermione protested, while Draco just glanced at the Dark Lord, unwilling to defy him

"No buts Hermione, right now I have to make sure your mother and siblings are all right."He narrowed his now blue eyes, leaving no room for argument. Hermione was taken back, her father never called her Hermione, it was always 'Mione, and he never used a tone like that with her. She gulped and nodded before turning to her still crying Aunt and Mother, giving them a hug and kiss on the cheek and murmuring "Sorry for what happened" and then fleeing off to her room, fearing that she'll upset her father further.

Voldemort sighed tiredly, realising that he had scared his daughter and vowed to himself to make it up to her in the morning. Maybe he'll get the elves to make her Pancakes or American breakfast Waffles, but his main focus now was his depressed wife.

"Bella"He said softly.Said women's gaze snapped to him quickly "Come on, lets go to bed"

"Yes Cissa, lets go to bed" Lucius said, putting his arm around the blond woman's waist.Narcissa shrugged his arm off and glared at him.

"You! You Pompous, foul loasome bastard"She snarled "A member of my family has just been killed and you are thinking about sex" She said loudly. Everyone watched on,bewildered at her new attitude.

"What? Of course not"Lucius replied indignantly. Bella and Voldemort shared a look of wonder.

"Ah yea, SLEEP ON THE COUCH TONIGHT" She shouted,slamming the door and stomping off upstairs, Lucius chased after her trying to calm her down.

"Well" Voldemort chuckled "That was an ordeal"

Bella said nothing.

"Bella?" He nudged her in the ribs lightly with his elbow "Whats wrong now?"

"Its my fault"She whispered almost inaudible

"What is Darling?" He raised an eyebrow at her. She burst into tears again.

"It-tts my fault" She repeated , struggling to choke the words out. Immediately Voldemort pulled her into his arms again

"Bella, Whats your fault"He asked her worriedly, stress is not good for the babies, she should not be blaming herself for something at the battle, unless, shes blaming herself for his death Voldemort thought to himself, eyes widening in horror when he realised that he was right.

"I made him promise to protect the babies"Bella sniffed "I shouldn't have jumped in to battle with Potter, i could've died or could've had a miscarriage!"

"Bella, look at me" Voldemort put a hand underneath her chin and tilted her head upwards "You saved me, both Dumbledore and Potter were teaming up against me, i could have died without your help."

"But its because of me that Sirius is gone" She sobbed into his shoulder "It should have been me"

Voldemort's eyes widened as he pulled away and gripped her shoulders

"No it shouldn't" He said firmly " Imagine if we did lose you. What would I have done? What would have Narcissa done? No forget that what would Hermione done? She's only just reunited with us, imagine if she lost us"

Bella nodded solemnly

"I'm sorry" She sniffed again "I can't help but blame myself"

Voldemort sighed

"I know Bella" He brought her in for another hug and just stood in the middle of the Malfoy's parlour and held her until she cried herself out and fell asleep.

As he apparated up to there bedroom, he made a silent promise to her, Hermione and The unborn twins.

I promise will get my revenge.
I will get my revenge on Potter for killing Sirius, I promise you ,Bella
I will get my revenge on those who kidnapped you, I Promise you ,Hermione
I will get my revenge on the ministry
I will get my revenge on Hogwarts School
I will make this world a better place for my unborn children and possible grandchildren

I will get my revenge, I Promise you


The Order Of The Phonix did not know what to do. Hermione had Deserted them, Snape had disbanded and banned the order from existing, inside Hogwarts walls and Albus and beloved Sirius was dead. They still had Dumbledore's body, Regulas had taken Sirius with him. They all escaped Hogwarts for the time being and retreated to the Weasly burrow for an impromptu order meeting,

"We should hold a proper burial" Molly whispered after a few moments of silence, no one knew what to say. Harry and Ron were especially effected by the loss. They thought Hermione was there friend, Hell Ron had fallen for her thats why he treated her so badly.Harry was heart broken at the fact he was the one who killed Sirius, he hasn't spoke at all since he whispered his godfathers name.

"Nows not the time mum" Ginny replied, sighing heavily as she looked at her boyfriend of 5 months. She was worried about him, her brother and , she hated to admit this, most of all Hermione .She was worried about her being in the care of such evil wizards, She was worried that her magic was dark now. She was most of all worried about how powerful Hermione was now. After All she was the Dark Princess, the daughter of the most powerful wizard in existence. Despite this,Ginny didn't voice these concerns, thinking everyone's to hurt and distraught to think about such things for now.

Ron chose to stand in that exact moment and started to pace.

"Ron dear, what is it" Molly asked tiredly.

"I think I've figured it out but i know you don't want to here it "Ron sighed. Everyone's attention was immediately on him.

"Well we've got nothing to lose"McGonagall sighed, picking at a thread on her skirt " Go on son"

"Well its obvious, We after Hermione and Bella, we get Voldemort" He explained "And possibly the Malfoys and Snape."

"We tried that"Fred and George said both rolling there eyes "Didn't seem to work did it?"

"Well no but -" Ron began again but Harry beat him to it

"BUT NOTHING RON" He screamed, giving everyone a fright, "THAT DIDNT WORK THE FIRST TIME, WE LOST SIRIUS AND DUMBLEDORE, WHY IN SEVEN HELLS DO YOU THINK THAT IT WILL WORK AGAIN, GROW UP RON, ITS OVER" And with that he stromed of in to his bedroom without another word to anyone.

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