Blood traitors?

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When Snape was gone, Harry turned to Dumbledore, a confused expression on his face.

"Why would Hermione be with Voldemort?" He asked.Dumbledore and McGonagall shared a worried look.

"We should tell them Albus, it could help us protect Hermione" McGonagall said softly.The headmaster sighed and started to pace the floor.

"Albus tell them" Molly joined in the conversation, ignoring all the confused looks sent her way by the teenagers an Sirius.

"Tell us what?"Harry demanded "Professor, Tell us what?" Dumbledore glanced at Harry before taking a seat again and emitting a long, loud sigh.

"Hermione is not who you all think she is"He began, for once struggling to find the right words "The Grangers are not her real parents" He visibly winced when loud gasps and shouts reached his ears, the loudest being Fred and George, who were shouting absolute nonsense. "The words 'Oi Oi' and 'CAN I GO THE TOILET NOW "reached his ears.The headmaster inwardly groaned, this was going to be harder than he thought.

"Well then who the bloody hell are her real parents?"Ron shouted at Dumbledore, obviously enraged

"Hermione's real parents"McGonagall took over. "Are Bellatrix LeStrange or black or riddle, whatever she is going by and "She paused, everyone had gone silent now and Molly gestured for her to continue "Lord Voldemort" again loud cries erupted from the group of teenagers

"Wait are you telling me that you kidnapped my cousin's daughter"Sirius sneered, surprising everyone, when the noise died down again. At the same tome Tonks whispered "I have a another cousin?"

"YOU KIDNAPPED HER ?"Harry yelled

"You knew we did Sirius" Dumbledore said "And yes Harry we did, with Voldemort gone and Bellatrix in prison, we feared that Narcissa and Lucius will raise her to be dark, and because she is the daughter of the dark lord we knew she would be powerful"

"So why didn't you take Draco?" Fred and George asked simultaneously, taking this matter seriously now.

"We did not know about Draco at the time , He was two days old at best" Dumbledore sighed "But we would have taken him too if we knew"

"Once Hermione is back from wherever she is we must keep this a secret from her"Molly said "she must not know" And with that she began to send the children off to bed

Without another word sirius stood and apparated away, Tonks quickly following him.

"Whats their problem?"Ron , who was at the bottom of the stairs,asked, looking around but was met with worried silence


Bellatrix and Hermione were still in the library, looking over Hermione's DADA homework.Hermione was finding this very easy by herself but did not have the heart to tell her mum this so instead played dumb so she can spend time with her. Bella obviously knew what Hermione was doing but she either did not seem to care or mind. In reality ,she also did not have the heart to tell Hermione to stop, for fear that this bonding moment will be abruptly ended.

However the moment was interrupted anyway, when a house elf , Tinky' ran into the room.Hermione did not have to look at her mother to know that she was irritated and was probably rolling her eyes, Her mother absolutely Hated house elves, something which Hermione spent a good two hours trying to change before she eventually gave up.

"Visitors for Mistress Bellatrix and Mistress Narcissa" Tinky bowed.Bellatrix stood but ignored the house elf, save for forcefully pushing it down.

"Mum, be nice"Hermione said, Bella turned to glare at her but all Hermione did was raise an eyebrow, amusedly.Bellatrix sighed theatrically before turning the house elf

"Sorry"She grumbled and forced a smile before walking out of the room.Hermione shook her head and proceeded to carry on with her homework.

Meanwhile Bellatrix met up with her sister in the hallway, Who had confusion showing on her face.

"Are you expecting visitors?" When Bella shook her head Narcissa frowned and then asked "Is Tom?" Again Bella shook her head

"I thought you were?"Bella asked, this time Narcissa shook her head and Bella frowned.Who could be calling at this time? its almost 10, she should really send Hermione off to bed soon, she realised. Wait what if it aurors or the order? Great now she was panicking, she immediately grabbed on to her sisters arm, who looked like she was thinking the same thing. Both women drew there wands and continued tentatively towards the door. Narcissa took a deep breath before slowly opening the door, while Bella hid behind it incase it was aurors. However she jumped out when Narcissa gasped quite audibly, she also let out a gasp before letting out a shrill shriek, for the door was her cousin Sirius Black and niece Nymphadora Tonks

"You!" She screamed, when she saw who it was."FILTHY BLOOD TRAITORS HAVE THE NERVE TO SHOW UP AT MY HOME" The scream echoed around the house and a few seconds later four different footsteps sounded, from all different directions, Hermione, Draco, Tom and Lucius had all heard her shriek and came running, however Tom and Hermione stayed hidden.

"Bella, Cissa please just let us in, so we can explain" Siruis begged,no matter how she felt about him , she was always his favourite cousin, however bellatrix just snarled at him

"Don't" She snapped "Don't you dare call us that, you lost the privilege when you betrayed our family" She pushed Narcissa out of the way and went to slam the door

"We know about Hermione"Tonks shouted just before the door closed, Halting Bella and causing everyone to look at each other worriedly

"What about her?"Bella swallowed but refused to look at the blood traitors. "The fact that she was my daughter or the fact that she was taken and killed, purely for existing." Bellatrix whispered .Tom sighed in relief, at least his wife had some sense to not reveal their secret yet. Sirius and Tonks shared a look,

"You mean, you don't know?" Sirius asked.

"Know what?" Bella asked, genuinely interested in what he had to say. Sirius took a deep breath.

"Dumbledore didn't kill hermione" He said, not noticing Lucius and Tom share a look which clearly read What is he up to? "She is alive but has apparently gone missing"

"WHAT? SHE'S ALIVE?" Bellatrix screamed, tears in her eyes. Hermione had to admit, Her mother was one hell of an actress. Sirius merely nodded "HOW, I MEAN, HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?" MY DAUGHTER - my-my daughter is alive" She broke off into insane whispers in the end

"Listen Bella, we have to go but we will tell you if anything concerning Hermione comes up"Tonks said stepping back, pulling Siruis down with her."We are really sorry about what Dumbledore did, we had no part in it" She added when Bella said nothing. However Bella did something that surprised everyone.She hugged them.Yes you read that, the infamous Bellatrix Black -Riddle - LeStrange ,hugged her family's blood traitors.

"Thank you" She whispered to them, before stepping back and letting them apparate away. She grinned as she re-entered to find her family staring at her.

"What?" She asked indignantly, causing Narcissa to laugh

"Nothing Bella" She laughed, the others eventually joined in , leaving Bella confused

"Oh whatever, Narcissa sort out the wards, Draco,Hermione off to bed, Lucius, do what ever you want ,Tom come on, i need a fire whiskey " She commanded kissing Hermione on the head and grabbing Toms hand, pulling him towards the kitchen while everyone did what they were told, no one wanted to cross Bellatrix, no matter who you are.

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