Hermione's 16th birthday

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The next two and a half weeks passed without anything of importance to remember, only Hermione had found that Alecto was forcing the Death Eaters' beliefs on muggles to the rest of the Slytherins, they had been forced to take this, and then found that Amycus was teaching the dark arts to the Slytherins and setting meaningless tasks to the other houses since they don't have any Death Eater potential.

Hermione had also gotten herself into quite a few duels in the courtyard with Ron and Harry. She may have may not sent a few Unforgivables their way during particularly bad fights. Along with fighting 'the golden boys' the young witch had also been involved in a few arguments with Draco, he had been ticking her off more and more now that their parents are not speaking. One of the fights had actually turned physical, Hermione had slapped Draco and he had retaliated with a kick to her stomach, then once she caught her breath Hermione had actually punched Draco in the nose, breaking it. This had actually resulted in Bella and Narcissa being contacted. Narcissa gave Draco a stern talking to over the phone and removed his wand privileges when he is to return home, Bella however just cackled and put the phone down. Snape had also put Draco on a months detention and left Hermione alone. Ah the perks of being the Dark Princess.

Today was Hermione's 16th birthday. And she was dreading it. No doubt Bella would go all out for it, being it being the first birthday they had spent together in the last 15 or so years. Either that or her parents had forgotten completely, they had never once mentioned her birthday to her or asked what she wanted, not that she minded. As long as no one makes a big fuss over her, she would be glad.

The young witch sighed as she rolled out of bed on that Sunday morning. She slowly got dressed and walked towards the common room. It was Sunday, so that meant there was no classes and Breakfast was later than usual to give students a chance to sleep in and rest.

"Hey Hermione!" Pansy called her over upon spotting her enter. Hermione smiled and walked over to the couch she was sitting on, Pansy was annoying at first but she was starting to grow on Hermione.

"Happy Birthday love" Daphne Greengrass said. Hermione blinked, unsure how she knew it was her birthday.

"Uh thanks, How did you know it was my Birthday?" She asked.

"Draco told us, For actually no reason " Millicent Bulstrode said . "Sorry, we didn't get you any gifts, we only found out this morning"

"Oh no its fine" Hermione giggled "I wasn't expecting any"

"Do you want to come down to Breakfast?" Pansy asked, standing up and outstretching her hand.

"Sure"Hermione smiled and took her hand.

10 minutes later Hermione and Her new found friends were sitting at the Slytherin Table in the great hall along with many others. Hermione could barely contain her laughter when she looked at Draco, he had a big bruise from where Hermione slapped him and all around his nose was red. She figured he must have taken a potion to fix it.

Slughorn was currently standing at the head of the table. Apparently since Snape was Headmaster now, Slughorn had taken his old position up again and was head of Slytherin house. Hermione didn't mind this, Slughorn was a nice teacher and was very easy to manipulate. Still she preferred Snape.

Suddenly a loud Owls screech filled the hall and disrupted the breakfast. Every witch and wizard looked up, hoping it was mail for them, only to find that it was Ariella, Hermione's owl. Hermione smiled enthusiastically when she noticed the package. The owl dropped in front of her, waiting for her treat.

"Here you go girl" Hermione chuckled, reaching into her robe and pulling out a treat. The owl hooted a flew off. The Slytherin student shook her head in amusement and got to work opening the package and letter. She picked up the letter first which said Hermione on the front in elegant blood red handwriting. She immediately knew that Bella wrote it.

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