Death Eater meeting

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Whoo, I'm on a role! 3 chapters in 3 days! New record whoop whoop.

Silently, Hermione and her mother walked into the meeting room and took their seats. Bella, to the right of Voldemort and Hermione to the left, where Snape normally sat. Since she is third in command, unfortunately Snape had to be bumped down a seat/position. The sat in calm silence, neither of them willing to address the events that had just occurred in the manor. Hermione began to play with Asmo, while Bella grabbed a paper that was placed in front of her husbands chair and began to read it over. Hermione glanced up at her.

"He wont like that" She warned her. Bella just shrugged and carried on, not looking up. Hermione shook her head and continued to play with the Basilisk, when a thought struck her.

"What was that back there?" She questioned, "with the ... Dolls and the whooshing"

"The best way to not get your father angry is to confuse him" Bella said with a mischievous grin on her face. Before Hermione could say anymore the door opened and Narcissa staggered in, struggling to carry a unconscious Draco with her. Bella and Hermione didn't move to help and instead watched on with amusement as she continued to trip over her own feet. Finally after some struggle she got Draco onto the chair and walked towards her own. As she did, she passed Hermione and tripped again, only this time she fell flat on her face, right behind her chair. Hermione swallowed a giggle that was threatening to escape from her mouth, Bella didn't care and laughed out loud.

"Have a nice trip?" Bella laughed. Narcissa just glared and stood, brushing herself off.

"I have nothing to say to you" Narcissa said as she sat down, just as her Husband stumbled into the room, relying heavily on his cane, more so than usual.

No sooner than he sat down, more death eaters began to arrive. Rabastan And Rodolphus were first to arrive, quickly followed by Goyle, Mulciber, Dolohov And Rookwood and Greyback. Then Nott, Crabbe and Finally Snape and the Carrows arrived. They all sat in their seats in silence, sensing the Tension in the room between the Malfoys and Riddle's.

"Happy Birthday, Princess Hermione" Greyback mocked, Bella raised her eyebrow at him. Hermione just rolled her eyes.

"Shut it Fuzzy" She said, causing him to smirk

"Make me, Frizzy"He retorted. Bella smiled and shook her head and the room fell once again silent.

They must have sat for at least 20 minutes before the door slammed open with a loud bang and Voldemort stormed in, eyes blazing with fury. His eyes trailed over all his followers, most of whom were cowering in fear. In fact the only ones who weren't was Hermione, Bella and Snape.

"Wake him up"He ordered staring at Draco. Lucius nodded and began to shake him awake very gently. Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Aguamenti" She said in a bored tone, aiming her wand at Draco. Water shot out and hit him in the face. The blond student woke up and began spluttering and spitting.

"Thank you" Voldemort said, "Now, can someone explain to me why you are all incompetent fools, who cannot do what I ask" Bella opened her mouth to speak "NOT BELLATRIX" He yelled. Bella pouted and slumped in her seat, hand stroking the swell of her stomach.

"My Lord, I am afraid we don't understand" Mulciber spoke up. Voldemort growled lowly.

"Carrow's" He snapped,causing the to flinch. "Did my daughter order you to stay here and keep an eye on the prisoners or did I imagine that?"

"Umm, well my Lord, you see" Alecto spoke up. "Your lovely wife here, ordered us-"

"Shut it Troll" Bella snapped suddenly, glaring at the other witch. Hermione stared at Bella with furrowed brows. "Don't try to blame anything on me, I didn't order you any where"

"Really?" Voldemort said with mock curiosity. "You must be really stupid Alecto, First you disobey my daughters orders, and then you Lie to me and try to pin Blame on my wife" Voldemort shook his head, slowly standing and walking around the table. Bella tutted and stood up as well and walked around the table the opposite way, both nearing Alecto.

"My Lord, My lady" Amycus shouted out, trying to save his sister from certain death "Please! She is unwell, she doesn't understand what she is saying" Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Stupify" She shot the curse at Amycus, sending him flying into the wall and knocking him unconscious. Bella drew her wand

"Crucio" The spell came out in a whisper and if Hermione didn't see Bella draw her wand, she wouldn't have known who cast it. Alecto fell to the floor crying out in pain. Hermione was bored already, she didn't see the joy for Torture, she thought that killing should be quick and easy. Wait, what the hell was she saying? Ah well, her descent into madness was bound to happen eventually.

"Keep her alive, mum" Hermione called out. "We need her for Hogwarts"

"She's right" Voldemort muttered to her. Bella grumbled under breath but released her victim from the spell and sat back down. Voldemort looked over the table once more.

"I had the boy here" He said, earning shocked gasps from the circle. "He was here, I had the chance. We could have won. But due to severe stupidity from some people he escaped yet again. The Malfoys were tasked with keeping guard but they were beaten and bested by their own house elves" He gave a dry laugh and he studied each on of them. He purposely didn't say that Bella and Hermione were also beaten for image wise.

"Not only that but they put, my daughter and myself, and my babies in danger" Bella piped up, staring her sister down. Narcissa lowered her head to avoid all the angry gazes  from the Death Eaters. Draco quietly whimpered. Voldemort shook his head and sat down once again.

"You are lucky, we need all the help we can get for the final battle"  Voldemort growled at them. "Other wise, you would be dead in an instant"

"Father, Who is that?" Hermione asked upon noticing a levitating woman floating into the meeting room from the direction of the dungeons. Voldemort smirked.

"That, my dear girl, is a Miss Charity Burbage, Professor at Hogwarts School" He smirked. Hermione and Draco glanced at each other, she was Muggle Studies, well before Alecto "Used to Teach Muggle studies, Believes that we should accept and even mate with them"

"Blergh" Bella yelled out when the rest just laughed. Hermione resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

"Severus" The woman gasped out. Severus' face never changed from the usual blank look. "Please? I'm your friend?"

Voldemort smirked sadistically as he watched the one sided conversation.

"AVADA KEDARVRA" He yelled out. The teachers body flopped on the table, causing both 16 year olds to jump. Hermione saw that Draco was blinking back tears and scoffed, sure she was saddened that a nice teacher was dead but other than that she couldn't care less.

"Now for our main course of business" Voldemort said calmly. "This war is coming to an end, My horcruxes have been destroyed by myself, apart from two"

"How many did you have?" Greyback whispered in horror. Voldemort chuckled.

"Seven" He  chuckled as Nagini slid up on to the table and devoured Miss Burbage, Asmo slid off Hermione and went to eat. She turned away disgusted and focused her attention on her father.

"Two?" Hermione asked. "But i thought you would only have one left"

"It seems i have another, but we are getting off topic" He glared at her. "Soon, this will be over, Harry Potter is doomed"

The Death Eaters all laughed and rejoiced. Bella and Voldemort excused themselves, not one for part taking in such activities and ordered Snape to apparate Hermione and Draco back to Hogwarts so they can attend classes the next day.

Soon. Hermione thought. Soon it will be over.

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