Torn apart

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"Oomph" Hermione let out as she landed on her butt."Oh my Merlin, one more tim-"

"Shut up 'Mione" Tom said, playfully but a hint of seriousness was in his tone. Hermione bit back her retort and instead glanced at her mother, who was facing away from them hunched over a table, shoulders shaking as Bella silently cried. Hermione felt sorry for her, not only did she lose a cousin but she also lost a childhood friend and worst of all she blamed herself for his death, when it was not her fault at all, it was that damn Potters.The young Slytherin hoped that her father would hurry up and start the final battle soon but with her mother being unable to fight and pregnant, she knew he would hold off for at least another year. God dammit.

"I'm Sorry" Bella said suddenly, a sob escaped her lips. "I *hic* ruined *Sob* everything"

"No Bella" Tom sighed "You didn't you did what any insane, unhinged mother would do when she found out about something like that"

That little comment caused both women to glare at him.

"Don't worry mum" Hermione said, deciding to take over from her father "Everything will be alrig-" A sharp crack interrupted her, grey smoke faded away to reveal the other Black sisters standing there.

"Bella" Both of them exclaimed running to hug her. "Are you alright?"

"I'm okay, i guess " Bella muttered glumly, reluctantly hugging them back.

"We were so worried Bella, that you done something stupid, like before" Andromeda said, pulling away. Bella frowned and pushed her youngest sister away harshly, causing Narcissa to fall on the floor with a cry. Tom and Hermione shared look at the words "like before"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean!?" She asked, anger coating her voice.Andromeda visibly cringed when she spoke.

"W-well, what-t i mean i-s" Andromeda stammered, taking a step backwards. Narcissa stood immediately and tried to calm bother her sisters down. Again Tom and Hermione shared a look.

"Bella what Andi means is um uh" Narcissa said quickly, trying to say something that won't anger her older sister. She came up with nothing.

"I won't ask again" Bella growled. Hermione and Tom both took a step back, eyes wide, They both collided with something, sending Hermione to the ground once more.

"OH MY ME-" Hermione exclaimed loudly. The three sisters didn't notice, more focused on the stand off, but Bella did shoot Hermione a concerned glance. She was interrupted by Tom pulling her up and shooting her a glance

"Shut up would ya" Draco grumbled from behind her. She scoffed and rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"What do you mean something stupid like before?" Bella growled. Narcissa and Andi shared a look.

"you really want to know?Fine" Narcissa suddenly spat at Bella. The audience (now Lucius had also arrived) gasped audibly at Narcissa's sudden change in attitude but non of the sisters noticed. Even Bella took a surprised step back.

"You know what we are going on about" Andromeda said, her tone significantly softer than her sisters but still quite harsh. Bella furrowed her brows, obviously oblivious. Hermione noticed her eyes darting back and forth, searching her sisters mind. She looked up at her father and found him doing the same thing. Huh she's gotta learn legillimens.

Suddenly Bella gasped out and tears sprung to her eyes and Tom scoffed and shot a dirty look towards his sisters in law.

"How dare you" Bella chocked out. "That was not my fault"

Who am I? Hermione Granger..Or Riddle?(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now