Family Moments

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Italics- Thoughts
Hermione and her parents talked well into the night,The Malfoys had since retired to bed a few hours before.Bella had asked a lot about Hermione's school life (When she learned that her daughter was in Gryffindor, she understandably freaked for about half an hour) and about her friends (She also freaked when she learned that she was friends with Potter,Until she realised this could be used to the death eaters advantage).Hermione asked about Azkaban and cringed when she learned about the horrors that her mother endured while she was in there, she vowed to herself that those who made her mother suffer, will suffer themselves.woah, where did that come from? Hermione thought to herself but shrugged it off and continued to talk. The night eventually ended with Voldemort sending a stubborn but tired Hermione off to bed at almost 2 in the morning.

"But I'm not tired"Hermione whined.
"You are falling asleep where you are sitting 'Mione" Voldemort replied, amusement in his tone
"No I am not besides I don't even have a room" Hermione said "I don't know where it is"
Voldemort chuckled, while shaking his head "Of course you have one, I'll show you"

A loud snore cam from beside him, startling both of them. Hermione put a hand over her mouth to stop herself from laughing as she noticed the snore came from Bellatrix , who must have fell asleep while Hermione was arguing with her father. Voldemort sighed as he knelt over her to pick her up, which Hermione noticed he did with ease, this surprised her as her father looked quite weak, but then again  her mother was quite skinny due to Azkaban, so she supposed it was quite easy to life her

"Looks like i'm going to have to apparate you 'Mione"He whispered trying not to wake Bellatrix.
Hermione stared at him
"You can apparate all 3 of us?" She replied wide eyed, apparation take a lot of energy and magic for just one person, never mind three.
"You forget, I am a very powerful Wizard."He smirked in return, causing his daughter to stick her tongue out at him.She then grabbed on to his elbow and closed her eyes.

When she opened them again she found that she was standing in a corridor facing a room.She looked at her father just gave her a kiss in the head, said 'goodnight' and continued to walk down the corridor, until he reached the end and walked into the last room.Hermione walked into the room and immediately gasped. The room was Slytherin themed (obviously Hermione thought.) but was absolutely gorgeous and massive too,bigger than her room at the grangers.The walls were a pretty green colour, with grey trimming,the carpet and curtains was black. And she had a king size bed with green sheets. The young Witch noticed that her trunks had been brought up to the room.She giggled as she jumped on the bed, she could get used to this, And with that thought she fell asleep, not bothering to change out of her robes.


The next morning, Hermione was awoken by her mother, shaking her. Hermione groaned as she put a pillow over her head. Its half term , she deserved a sleep in.

"Hermione"Bellatrix said amused as she tried to get the pillow away from her daughter "Get up" She laughed loudly when she realised she was not going to get the pillow away from her.

"Morning mum" She said, her voice muffled by the pillow"What time is it?"

"7 am dear"Her mum said cheerfully as she opened to curtains "Breakfast is nearly ready" Hermione removed the pillow from her face to stare at the woman, wondering how she can be so cheerful and happy at this hour,Azkaban must have messed with her mind.

"What?"Bella asked , still smiling

"Nothing" Hermione shook her head, a smile creeping on to her face too

"Well then come on dear, Breakfast is nearly ready"

"Wait let me have a bath first" Hermione said.Bellatrix sighed theatrically.

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