Questions and back to Hogwarts

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Voldemort smiled brightly with tears in his eyes as he pulled his daughter into a gigantic hug, which she quickly returned. Hermione knew that this was what she needed to fill that hole in her life.She loved the Grangers, of course , after all they raised her, but she had always known that they were different from her. She always felt like she did not belong .To be honest ,She never really fitted in with the other kids back in Primary school because she just knew that something was was missing.After leaning that She had different parents, she could not help but feel elated. She could finally belong somewhere. However she also knew that her father is the dark lord and her friends are trying to defeat him.

Thats another thing 'friends' . They are not really. Harry and Ron were idiots.She never really liked them and never believed in the same things they did, she also did not want to defeat Voldemort from the very beginning. Despite not knowing he was her father. She guessed Nature won over Nurture this time.Voldemort pulled away from the hug, reluctantly.

"I understand you have some questions" Voldemort said ,Hermione nodded in response

"How did i end up with the Grangers?"She asked quietly Trying to not upset her father, which he knew she could never do.Voldemorts Eyes flashed red for a moment before he answered

"That Dumbledore Idiot and his little girlfriend Minerva" He growled " After my failure at killing Potter and your mothers arrest, You were supposed to go to you aunt and uncle, Narcissa and lucius Malfoy, But THEY GOT THERE FIRST AND PUT YOU WITH THOSE FILTHY MUGGLES"
By the end of his answer he was shouting and standing up, Terrifying the young witch.Luckily before he got too carried away by his anger, he saw this and immediately softened.

"Any more questions?" He asked calmly, sitting down again

"What do i call you?" She asked " Father? Dad? Daddy?" She asked him, causing him to smile

"Anyone of them will be fine" He smiled

"Are you going to break My mother out of Azkaban?" She asked.

"i will tell you about all that next time we meet" He said "Probably the next Death eater meeting"

"What are you going to do Ron and Harry?" She smirked evilly, looking very much like her mother."I never liked those bastards"This caused him to smirk as well.

"Well, to avoid the truth about you to come out before the right time" he began "You are going to run down to the dungeons and escape with the boys.When they asked what happened you will have to say that i tortured you to try and get information but when my back was turned you made a break for it and found each of your wands on the way" He said before giving his daughter the wands. " After i put the glamour back on you of course" He added

"But daddy" Hermione said slowly, trying to get used to saying the word "Harry potter is in your hands, You have the chance to kill him" She said confused.Her father sighed

"Its too easy 'mione," he said " Besides i want each and every one of his pathetic followers to see him fall."Hermione nodded before standing up and hugging her father again and letting him put the glamour in her again

"i will send you a letter every week,Telling you what Potter is up to" She whispered to him before turning and running out of the door. To 'rescue' Harry and Ron.She barley heard her father say, "I love you Hermione Andi Riddle"

When they arrived back at school, They were immediately surrounded by all of the students and staff. Dumbledore stepped forward and made the three students come with him to his office so they can inform him about what happened.
"Well professor" Harry began " Nothing really happened to me or Ron"This really surprised Dumbledore and Minerva Mcgonagall ,Who was also in the room
"What do you mean Harry?Surely You-Know-Who tried to kill you"Dumbledore said.Harry shook his head

"I don't know or understand why he did not go after me" Harry replied "He went after Hermione instead but she escaped when his back was turned" This confused everyone even more.

"Hermione?"Dumbledore turned to her" What happened?" Hermione Started to fake cry

"H-he tortured me using the cruciatus curse"She said through fake sobs "He wan-wanted Information about Harry and what he was planning" This angered everyone.Ron pulled Hermione into his arms and tried to comfort her.

"Did you give him any information?"McGonagall asked.'Shit.What should i say?'Hermione thought.The young witch opened her mouth to speak but started to fake sob harder.Making the headmaster sigh and shake his head.

"You have all been through quite an ordeal" He said."You should all go to bed and please refrain from telling any other pupils that lord Voldemort is back." It was quite late, Hermione and her father spent a good 2 hours catching up and then She and the boys spent another 3 trying to escape

The golden trio all stood silently.Harry nodded a good night towards the professors, while Ron , still comforting Hermione ,just walked out and dropped Her to her room.

"Are you sure you are okay 'Mione" He asked for the 5th time.Inwardly she groaned, She hated the fact the Ginger weasel had fallen for her and thought she liked him back and she also hated the fact he called her 'Mione.Only her father calls her that now.

"I'm fine Ron" she snapped and slammed the door in his face."shit I had better not woken anybody up"  She thought as she walked in.Hermione sighed in relief as she got into bed As she had not woken anybody up. Well looks like things are about to change Was her final thought before she drifted of to sleep

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