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Hermione Jean Granger was the top of her class. Big teachers pet, achieving top scores on Her O.W.L.S and N.E.W.T.S, Best friend to Harry and Ron and she even helped take down Voldemort yet she felt like something was missing .Hermione always felt like there was something missing from her life.She always thought she was different,and so when that letter came to bring her to Hogwarts, she thought the fact that she was a Witch was the answer but as she as was sitting in the stands watching Harry in the maze she couldn't help but think this again.Why was she even thinking this? She had to be showing support for her friend in the maze, not wallowing in self pity.The witch was thrown back into reality when she heard Harry come out of the maze screaming, shouting and crying while holding Cedric diggorys body.Hermione gasped in shock, And Tried to get to Harry to help him.
HARRY" Ron yelled as he and Hermione reached him" WHAT THE BLOODY HELL HAPPENED?"
" I don't know" Harry whispered, He could not comprehend what had happened." I think..I think it was Voldemort" Hermione gasped
"Bu-but he is dead we defeated him" Ron said.Harry didn't get a chance to reply for there was a big explosion sound and then lots of screaming and shouting from the students and staff. Hermione turned swiftly to where the explosion was and saw that the dark mark was in the sky above her. That was not a good sign.

The witch Quickly turned to grab Ron and a grieving Harry and make a run for it.However as the Golden trio tried to run they found that they were surrounded by death eaters,in masks and robes.They brought out there wands and huddled together, there backs facing each other as they each shot a glare towards the enemies surrounding them.Hermione noticed everyone else had fled when the explosion happened, leaving Hermione, Harry and Ron out -numbered by the death eaters.
"You are coming with us" One death eater said
"MAKE US" Ron yelled before shooting a spell at one death eater.This was a big mistake.All of the death eaters Brought out there own wands and stupefied The trio before transporting them to the Malfoy manor, where they were thrown into  The dungeons.

Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1 hour later
Hermione groaned as she awoke, her head was killing her, she must have hit it when she fell.She looked around,Where was she? Where was Harry and Ron? Where was her wand? No sooner than she thought this a groan sounded from behind her. She turned to look and found that She was sharing a cell with Ron and Harry was by himself across from them. Well at least that was one question answered
" Are you ok Ron?" She whispered to him to make sure the death eaters did not realise they were awake. Ron merely nodded in reply,Causing Hermione to smirk and shake her head.
"Do you know where we are?"Ron said finally
"SHHH, We don't want to draw attention to ourselves" She scolded him "I don't know where we are Ron, Probably in You-Know-Whose secret lair or something." Unlike Harry, Hermione was not confident in speaking his name, despite the fact they defeated him years ago.

Ron and Hermione spent the next half hour talking about The dark lord and about his plans when the door to the dungeons almost flew of its hinges, Startling Harry awake. The Death eater,Fenrir Greyback,who had awoken him strolled  over to his cell and snarled at Harry.
"The dark lord will deal with you later, Boy" He snarled "However his business for now is with your little girlfriend" He smirked as he made his way towards Hermione's cell.After hearing this Ron jumped in front of Hermione and snarled at the werewolf
"She is not going anywhere"He growled.Greyback merely laughed at the boy.
"Oh she is"He replied " The dark lord commands it". At the words 'Dark Lord' Ron went to draw his wand, This only made The death eater laugh harder.
"Nice try." He said "Your wands were removed the minute we captured you"He then turned to Hermione "You are coming with me" He grabbed her arm, Digging his nails in her skin for good measure.

Hermione was dragged up to flights of stairs before being thrown onto the floor, in front of the dark lord himself. Voldemort glanced at her before turning to his death eaters in the room.
"Leave us" He snapped,making the witch jump.Hermione soon got over this and turned to Voldemort, putting a mask of confidence on , when deep down she was petrified of what he was going to say or do to her.
"If you are going to kill me , Get it over with already" She said.Red eyes turned to her, Scaring the mask away.Almost immediately, his eyes softened, confusing the young Witch greatly.
"Hermione"He said, lovingly, Confusing her even more " I never ever want to hurt you"
"What?" She questioned him, What in the name of Merlin is he saying? Never want to hurt her? That was what he has been trying to do since her first year at Hogwarts. HE TRIED TO KILL HER FOR MERLINS SAKE
The wizard sighed as he gestured for her too take a seat, Which she did so, without hesitation, she wanted answers and she wanted them now.
"Hermione"He began again " You are not who you think you are"
"W-what are you talking about" Her voice wavered with fear and confusion
"The Grangers are not your real parents" He said, His own voice laden with regret and a hint of fear, fear of rejection. "You are not Hermione Jean Granger"
"Well who am I then?"
"You are .." He paused, For dramatic effect or whether or not he was deciding to tell her this , she didn't know "You Are Hermione Andi Riddle" Hermione brought her hand up to her mouth.
"Well then that must mean" She started to breathe Heavily " i'm your daughter" When Voldemort Nodded, the young witch stood up, and with a hand on her heart to try and steady it started to freak out.
"T-thats impossible" She shook her head frantically "No NO, I REFUSE TO BELIEVE THIS " she shouted. Voldemort also stood up at this point, Hermione kept on shouting "YOU'RE LYING.YOURE LYING" she screamed at him.
Voldemort shook his head. " Look Hermione I can prove it to you" This peaked her curiosity and also shut her up.Voldemort brought out his wand and waved it over Hermione's head.Her vision clouded as a Memory took over

Voldemort look down in his arms and there she was. His beautiful baby girl, He still could not believe that she was his after almost 2 weeks of her being in his life. The baby in his arms stirred and almost immediately started to cry.
"Shhh" Voldemort whispered to the baby" Its okay 'Mione daddy's got you, its okay, you,re safe with me." Voldemort continued to rock the baby until she fell asleep.

Hermione was thrust back into reality as the memory faded.She blinked as she looked around.
"What was that?" She demanded
"The very first memory you have got" Voldemort said softly "And if you still don't believe, i have another way to prove it to you." He extended his hand out to her and grinned broadly when she took it with little hesitation.Voldemort brought her over to the mirror where she saw ..... Nothing absolutely nothing
"What am i meant to be looking at?" She Questioned Voldemort again, confused.
"Just wait" he replied before lifting his wand once more effectively removing the glamour placed by Dumbledore. Hermione gasped as her hair grew longer and darker until it was black,Her body shape changed, her breast grew bigger, and she got a few inches taller. Her face morphed until she was no longer recognisable as Hermione Granger, In fact she resembled the most notorious death eater. Bellatrix Lestrange.
"Bellatrix lestrange?" She turned to the dark lord, raising one eyebrow questionally " I suppose she is my mother?" She whispered. When Voldemort nodded, she found herself lost for words. Her eyes went to the floor ,for what felt like hours but was only really mere seconds ,until finally she looked up at The dark lord and whispered

Who am I? Hermione Granger..Or Riddle?(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now