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Voldemort glowered down at his followers with Bella and her sister by his side. His Inner Circle had done what he asked, they gathered every single supporter they knew of and they were all kneeling at his feet. As he glanced over them her recognised a few faces. There was his all of his Inner Circle, Old Abraxas Malfoy (Lucius' Father) Orion and Walburga Black, Druella and Cygnus Black. (Bella and Narcissa collectively groaned upon noticing them) Billy the bartender from the Shrieking Shack and most of the Sacred 28 Familys, in fact the only Pureblood family not in attendance was the Weasleys.

What a waste of Pure Blood.

Voldemort's eye twitched as the mumurs from his followers grew louder as they were questioning why they were all summoned.

"SHUT UP" His wife screamed from her place next to his 'throne', silencing them Immediately. Slowly, he stood and snarled at all of them.

"This war is no longer about purifying the Wizard race anymore" He said cryptically "Its about ensuring the safety of our children and future grandchildren"

"The Final Battle has begun" His wife took over, seemingly calm now. "It begun last night in fact"

"It begun when the so called Good Guys Kidnapped our children"   Voldemort said carefully, emitting shocked gasps from the crowd.

"My Lord" Someone said. "I - We all thought that Hermione had died"

"She didn't" Voldemort narrowed his eyes "And we went on to have two more just a few days ago."

"Umm,  congratulations?" Rodolphus called out, he was not in the meeting last night.

"I have told my most trusted Death Eaters this" Voldemort continued. "This WILL be the final battle in the Second Wizarding War, It all comes down to this."

"You can and will die" Bella growled. Voldemort glanced at her but continued.

"We will give the Potter boy an Ultimatum, Either come alone and sacrifice himself or we will take Hogwarts by force and kill everyone he's ever loved"

"Yes my Lord" The crowd Murmured

"If it comes to Battle, Kill whoever you want" He said. "The Potter boy is mine to kill"

"Yes my Lord"The crowd said enthusiastically now. Despite the prospect of Death Looming above their heads, they were all excited at the prospect of killing someone.

"Draco" Bella said softly. Narcissa's eyes snapped to her, begging her not to send him on a last minute mission. "Go back to Hogwarts and find my daughters and Son"

"Aunt Bella" Draco said hesitantly "How do you know they are in Hogwarts?"

"Just Do as your told Malfoy" Bella hissed at him. Narcissa's face morphed into a stone cold glare. Lucius nudged his son, noticing the Dark Lords and Lady's less that impressed expressions and Draco immediately disappeared into the floo room.

"The Forbidden Forest is where we will be" Voldemort told them. "Go there now and wait, I have had Severus Snape sort out the wards on the Hogwarts grounds"

"Yes my Lord" The Death Eaters chorused once more and apparated at once. Druella shot her daughters a sad look and disappeared along with Cygnus. Bella raised an Eyebrow but thought nothing of it, Narcissa completely ignored Druella and instead continued to glare at Bella. She slowly raised her shaking fist and attacked Bella with a series of very weak punches, she herself was a very weak woman. Bella didn't react at first and just stared at her younger sister in confusion. Their husbands watched on in amusement.

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