Sirius' Funeral Part 1 -Family reunion

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Sooooo sorry fo the wait on this chapter, but school has already piled a load stress on me. Also please pardon my french, i used Google translate as i can only speak Spanish and English, not French. Ok, i'll shut up now so you can enjoy the chapter. Part two will be coming soon.

Throughout the rest of the week Voldemort taught Hermione parseltounge. This was quite easy as Hermione could already understand it and had done her research on it and because she was a blood relative.

Bella's doctor appointment on Thursday went better than expected. Both babies are healthy and growing and afterwards Bella had forced Snape to start to brew the potion to find out the sexes. However due to the complex ingredients the potion takes about a month to brew, so they will have to wait a while.Tom (and Lucius and Draco) is still adamant that they are boys, Hermione (and Narcissa) thinks girls and Bella wants one of each, so the family has agreed to disagree on that one. However the next day was the day that they all dreaded for a number of different reasons. Sirius' Funeral.

Hermione rolled out of bed with a sad sigh.Today was Sirius' funeral and she was obviously extremely upset. She thought of Sirius as a uncle figure and all the adults in the house thought of him as a brother, which he might as well as been. His death had hit everyone pretty hard, Bellatrix and Narcissa the most. Even if her mother hadn't voiced her thoughts since that dreadful night, you would be a fool not to realise that she was still blaming herself for his passing, Narcissa was an emotional wreck sometimes (Whenever he was mentioned actually, which happened less than you would think) but was dealing with it better than her sister, Tom had gotten over it fairly quickly as he didn't know Sirius as well as everyone else and he had just been comforting Bella over the past week, Lucius the same with Cissa, Draco was sad for a while but he also had gotten over it as he also didn't know Sirius as well as the girls knew him.

Hermione swallowed and blinked back tears as she pulled on her dress. She couldn't believe that they were saying goodbye to Sirius. The young witch hoped that the final battle would come soon, so that her father can finally kill Potter and avenge Sirius and Himself, now with the elder wand in his possession, it should be an easy task. Hermione quickly shook her head and pushed those thoughts aside.There should be no more thoughts about death and killing today, no matter who's death you are thinking about. When she was finally ready, she hesitated pulling open the door, struggling to decide whether she should go downstairs yet or not.

When They young Slytherin opened the door, she was met with her Mother and Her aunt, the former's hand was raised up as she was about to knock.Hermione bit back a shout of surprise and Bella placed her hand over her rapidly beating heart. Hermione looked at them and noticed that they had both been crying.

"Merlin 'Mione" Narcissa said "Gave us a heart attack"

"Sorry" Hermione muttered. Bella pushed the door open further and walked in, sitting on Hermione's unmade bed, her sister followed. Hermione raised an eyebrow at them, shutting the door.

"Come in" She said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "I mean its not like I didn't invite you in or anything"

"Whats with the attitude?" Bella snapped, glaring at Hermione, who just scoffed and folded her arms. "Watch it young lady, i am in no mood to deal with this" Bella warned "I may have not have acted like a strict mother over the past few months but i am not afraid to start now"

"Yeah, Yeah" Hermione rolled her eyes again, causing Bella to scowl and glare at her "Why are you in here?"

"Because, We wanted to talk to you about something" Narcissa replied sensing the growing tension between mother and daughter "Our parents, YOUR grandparents"

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