Traitor in our midst

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May contain strong language

Hermione was ready to kill someone.First she could not find the kitchen in her mini apartment, something she was very disappointed about, and then she has to skip out on her first family party to attend a stupid pointless meeting, She missed out on studying because she kept finding something new in her apartment, like a walk in wardrobe, that distracted her and if that was not enough, when she arrived at headquarters (Weasley Burrow) Hermione had gotten in a huge argument with Ron about being resorted into Slytherin, with him accusing her of something, she actually did not care nor listen to what he had to say, and her trying to defend herself.Everyone,including Harry and Molly, Sat back and let this happen, only intervening when Ron almost spilled their secret.

"But thats not the point 'Mione" Ron snapped

"Yes it is Ron and how many times must i tell you NOT TO CALL ME THAT" Hermione yelled.

"Its your fault that you got re - sorted no one else" He replied "So stop taking it out on everyone"



"What are you talking about now?"Hermione narrowed her eyes

"Umm stealing Harry's invisibility cloak and sneaking off" Ron sneered, folding his arms. Hermione furrowed her eyebrows.When did she do that again? Oh yea, when she went to the Malfoys for dinner,Wait that was months ago, how did he know about that?

"What are you talking about, i never did that" She replied.Ron scoffed

"Alright surrrrreeeee you never" Ron said sarcastically. Hermione glared and opened her mouth to speak but DumbleDick decided to intervene now.

"Alright now children, stop your squabbling and lets commence with the meeting, yes?" He raised his eyebrows at the two arguing children who just grumbled under their breaths.

"Good" He said before turning to Sirius " Now Sirius, Why have you not been attending the meetings lately?"

"Yes Padfoot, have you been causing mischief without me?" Remus asked, sounding hurt but everyone knew he was joking

" Oh shut up Moony, course i have not" Sirius laughed, pushing him " I was merely um uh Looking for the Mauradures Map" He smiled proudly to himself, causing Hermione to shake her head amusedly.

"Oh we have that" Fred and George said "Got it from Filches office" They stood and went to their room, coming back a few minutes later and giving it to Sirius and Remus, who just stared at it like it said a yo mama joke to them.

"Oh wow" Sirius said, looking at Remus, Who slowly turned to stare at him.

"DIBS" They shouted at each other before Sirius grabbed the map first and Remus wrestled him to the ground, causing Tonks to roll her eyes and everyone else to break out in laughter.Dumbledore calmed down first and cleared his throat.

"Sir, why are we even here?" Hermione asked, fully frustrated now. "We have already established that the Horcruxes cannot be found and we have to wait until next year to continue our mission"

"That is true Hermione" Dumbledore nodded "However we have someone who is close to You-Know-Who that cannot be at the meeting tonight and says he has some information that could be useful to us, something that Snape does not know"

Hermione fought the urge to scream.Who in there right mind would betray her father, The dark Lord. Its almost laughable. She almost laughed again when Peter Pettigrew came out from the shadows, Sirius and Remus did nothing to hold there laughter in, before they began to glare and snarl at the rat.

Who am I? Hermione Granger..Or Riddle?(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now