Attack on the Burrow

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Underlined - Spells
Bold - Parsel tongue
Italics - thoughts

The next Morning Hermione woke up and reluctantly got dressed, she didn't want to face her father but knew she had to go comfort her mother.She didn't know how to handle this, she never had experienced a close family members death before, but she had experienced death with Cedric Diggory earlier in the school year during the Triwizard cup. She paused when she realised this, so much has happened within a year.

She reunited with her father,Reunited with her Aunt and Uncle, Went behind the orders back for months, helped break Death Eaters out of prison, Reunited with her mother, was a double agent along with Snape and Sirius, Tortured Rodolphus,, killed wormtail, got kidnapped by the order again, and somewhat participated in a big battle. Wow thats a lot of things she done in the span of 7-8 months. Thank merlin, summer starts in a week and that lasts for about two months.she sighed as she opened the door to the bedroom and headed down to the dining table, no doubt breakfast will be a depressing or awkward, perhaps both.

Despite this thought a smile creeped onto her face as she smelt pancakes cooking, Pancakes were her favourite. She walked quicker to the dining room, only to discover that the only people that were there was Lucius and Draco, Her parents and Aunt where no were to be seen. She frowned and cleared her throat to get the two boys attention.

"Where is everyone?" She asked, sitting in her usual chair. Almost immediately Dinky placed a plate of pancakes in front of her. Lucius sighed in response, sharing a look with Draco.

"Mum has locked herself in the bedroom"Draco begun "So has aunt Bella, We have no idea where uncle is"

Hermione frowned, it was not like her father to just disappear without telling someone or a house elf.

"Dinky!" She called softly, Lucius raised an eyebrow and Draco shook his head and continued to munch on his breakfast.

"Yes Miss Hermione" The elf bowed and grinned at her, knowing Hermione would not hurt her.

"Do you know where my father is?" She raised an eyebrow. Dinky's eyes widened and she gasped

"Dinky was meant to tell you!Dinky Forgot" The elf exclaimed and began smacking her own forehead "Stupid Dinky Stupid, Stupid, stupid, stupid Dinky"

"Dinky" Hermione grabbed the elf wrist "Calm down, it was an honest mistake"

"House elves don't make mistakes" Lucius growled, Hermione turned to stare at him. The Blond man drew his wand. "Cru-" He began but found he suddenly couldn't move. He glanced at his son but he was staring at Hermione in shock, The young witch had also drew her wand and was pointing it at her uncle. He quickly realised she used the Immobulus curse on him.

"Stop" She growled at him, reminding him of Bellatrix. A lot. This scared him "It was a mistake, she doesn't need to be punished" She let him of the spell before turning back to the house elf.

"Thank you Miss Hermione" The elf bowed again

"Your welcome, now where is my Father" Hermione asked again. Dinky blinked and then thought about the question.

"He said that he was going somewhere to pick something up, he didn't tell me where" Dinky said before dashing to the kitchen again, knowing she was no longer needed. Hermione chuckled and shook her head at the her antics before sitting down again and tucking into her breakfast, ignoring the glare that Lucius was sending her way. About 15 minutes of silence passed while Lucius just glared at his niece and Draco and Hermione at their breakfast, when a strong cockney accent startled them.

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