Sirius' Funeral - Part 2

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So, i am not 100% happy with this chapter, so please tell me what you think. Also, Sorry for the wait, i have been away on holiday for like the last week and didn't bring my laptop or iPad.

"Mum!" Hermione shouted chasing after her. Draco was running along side her and Narcissa and Andromeda were apparating in and out of rooms looking for her. "Mum Please calm down" as she ran she and Draco crashed into something and fell to the ground. She blinked and looked up. It turns out they crashed into their fathers

"Hermione?" Tom said pulling her up "Are you alright? Whats happened? Wheres your mum?"

"I don't ...... know thats .......why i'm running" She replied, struggling to catch her breath, and then filled him and Lucius in about what they overheard in the bedroom. Toms eyes widened and he shared a look with Lucius.

"Ah shit" he cursed "We better find her and quick before she actually kills them" and then the two men apparated away.

Hermione looked at Draco and nodded, Draco repeated the action and they split off into two different directions around the Manor. Finding her way around the manor wasn't easy, considering that she had never been there before, which is why she found herself in the kitchen watching Walburga fuss over something.

"Excuse me" Hermione cleared her throat,causing the woman to turn and smile brightly

"Yes Mione" She flashed her a toothy grin

"Don't call me that and Have you seen my mother anywhere?" She asked. Walburga frowned for a moment before smirking.

"Yes, I have actually, she ran past me before and killed one of my house elves in a rage" Walburga said casually, turning back to whatever she was doing. Hermione ran a hand through her long, curly black hair and grunted in frustration.

"Thanks" She grunted out. Walburga waved her hand dismissively and Hermione turned to make her way through the house. She soon found herself in the garden and noticed the rest of the OOTP had turned up. She shot them a glare as she walked,prompting Ron and Harry to do the same. She averted her gaze to look at the rest of the Black Family and the Death eaters that were good friends of the family and who ever else bothered to turn up.

"ATTENTION EVERYONE" She yelled, gathering the Dark sides attention as well as the lights "Thank you, Now Bellatrix is currently in a angry killing spree right now-" She was cut off by the loud groans of the Black Family and the scared exclaims and shouts from the order.

"Not again" A few family members groaned.

"Now," Hermione began again "If you see her with her wand out, please simply stun her, using a WEAK Spell" She said, emphasising 'weak' to show that no harm should come to her mother or sisters (she was still sure it was two girls) "That is all" and with that she turned and walked back into the mansion to continue the search.

"Have you found her?" Her father appeared at her side, Hermione frowned and shook her head.

"No, sorry daddy" She said, Tom sighed and shook his head.

"I'm gonna kill her" He grumbled before his eyes lit up. "THERE SHE IS" He yelled, causing her aunts,Draco and Lucius to appear and run towards the signature curly hair of Bella or what they thought was her. Hermione followed her family into what looked like the ballroom, when Lucius (Who was leading the group) suddenly stopped and caused everyone to crash on the floor.

"I swear to Merlin, if I fall onto the floor one more time" Hermione muttered. She looked up to glare at Lucius, stopping when she noticed Druella staring at them, with her arms crossed and and eyebrow raised.

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