Emergency Death Eater meeting

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Voldemort was silent.Lucius was shaking.Bella was silent but Hermione could see tears in her eyes and her grip on Hermione tightened.Hermione looked at her parents and uncle, wondering what her father was going to do next but one thing was for certain, Hermione was NOT going to leave her mother when she is like this.

"Get out"Voldemort spoke at last "get the fuck out of my sight"Hermione heard Bella gasp and turned to make sure she was alright.Ignoring the fact that Lucius had left the room, falling over his own feet.

"Your father absolutely hates swear words"She murmured before going silent again. Hermione's mouth formed an 'o' shape before turning back to her father, who was now looking out of the window, thoughtfully.

"Give me your arm Bella" He snapped, turning back to his girls. Bellatrix presented her arm to him, refusing to let go of Hermione. The Dark Lord noticed this but refrained himself from commenting, he knew protective how Bella got.He grabbed Bella's arm and pressed her Dark mark, summoning his Inner Circle of Death Eaters.

Bella hissed in pain as she brought her arm back to Hermione

"I'm not going" She said causing Voldemort to turn and raise an eyebrow "I'm not going to the meeting" She added, gesturing to Hermione, who had yet to say anything.

"Bella" He started, his tone much more soft now " I need you there"

"But Hermione" Bella replied,Looking as if she was going to cry.

"She'll be fine"

"No, Tom I refuse to go without Hermione" Bella growled.Tom stared at her for a few seconds before turning to Hermione and rubbing his chin thoughtfully " I can't risk the Order coming here and taking her away again.Forget the wards, They can easily get past that, you know what they are like" She continued, her voice breaking now

"Then Hermione can go too"He decided, At His wife and daughters shocked faces he added "I trust my Inner Circle besides Hermione needs to start getting involved" He winked at Her and turned to walk out to go to the meeting . " Come along then" he shouted back to them, noticing they didn't move.

A few moments later, Hermione and her parents were standing outside the meeting room, the noisy chatter of death eaters meeting their ears, despite being behind closed doors. Bella took a deep breath and went to open to the doors but Hermione stopped her, suddenly having a brilliant thought

"Wait"She whispered in case anyone could hear them "Is Snape in there?" She asked at her fathers quick, albeit confused nod she continued "I don't trust him, he's in the order. when we are in there call me by my middle name ,Andi and say i'm a cousin of Mum or something "She said, thanking God that her glamour had been removed.Bellatrix turned to her daughter, a giant grin on her face

" ' Mione thats brilliant" She replied,Wide eyed "So you don't trust Snape either?" Tom sighed and shook his head and muttered to himself, both woman were sure they heard something along the lines of 'Not this again' and 'Women'.

"OI"Bella shouted, slapping his chest playfully while Hermione just laughed.

Tom smirked at his wife before giving her a quick peck on the lips "Are we going in or not " he chuckled before walking in, the room immediately quieted with his presence,Bella and Hermione behind him .

Bellatrix sat in her normal seat , to the right of Tom, while Hermione just stood next to her waiting for a chair to be brought by a house elf. She didn't mind, after all it gave her a chance to look around the room to see if she recognised anyone from Papers, Magazines or books.To her surprise she knew almost all of them.There was Snape,Regulas Black The LeStrange Brothers ,Fenrir Greyback, Wormtail, The Carrow twins, Barty Crouch JR And of course the Malfoys and obviously, Herself and her Parents.

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