What does it take!?

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A/n Not my best chapter ngl but i was bored and thought that i should finish this chapter off and get it published.

P.s Double Update his weekend whooo.

A sudden squeaking sound made everyone look up.

Hermione furrowed her brows as she passed Ginny off to Bella and took a closer look at the swinging chandelier. Two house elves were positioned on the light and were unscrewing it, humming a song to themselves. Hermione slowly raised her wand to the unsuspecting elves and shot a stunning curse.

She was too late.

The elves were knocked off but the chandelier plummeted towards Bella and Hermione. The older woman screamed and pushed her victim away as she jumped out of the way. Hermione jumped out of the way and into Draco, knocking them both into the ground.

Harry and Ron were able to move now and managed to grab Ginny. Hermione hissed as she put her wand to her Tattoo and contacted her father from wherever he was.

"You Stupid Elf" Bella yelled out "That could have killed us"

"Dobby never meant to kill, only maim or seriously injure" Dobby said. Hermione waved her wand towards the group but the other elf clicked her fingers and her wand was taken from her. Hermione gaped at the elf.

"Dinky!" She exclaimed. The elf just glared.

"Dinky is a free elf now" Dinky said to her former Mistress,

"How dare you take a witch's wand" Bella yelled at Dinky. "HOW DARE YOU DEFY YOUR MASTERS"

Dobby puffed out his chest and glared at Bella.

"Dobby has no master, Dobby is a free elf" He proclaimed proudly and clicked his fingers. The 'light' group began to disappear in a whirl of smoke. Bella growled and drew her dagger. She glared at the disappearing group and threw her dagger with so much force. It was close, the smoke was already disappearing, it seemed like it wasn't going to go through and then it did. Bella puffed out a breath she didn't know that she had been holding, she only hoped that she hadn't got Harry, thats her husbands job.

"Everyone alright?" Hermione asked as she walked over to the now vacant corner of the room and picked up the three wands. She tossed Draco's and Narcissa's to them and pocketed her own. The manor fell into tense silence. They were waiting for the Dark Lord to turn up. Hermione was curious about his reaction, she wondered who would face his wrath. Would it be Lucius? Narcissa? Draco, perhaps? Or in the worst case scenario herself or Bella. She was suddenly distracted by movement in the shadows and a snakes hiss reached her ears.

Nagini slithered out of a corner of the room, followed by a smaller, orange snake. Hermione perked up. Asmo! Yay she loved the little snake already. Nagini slithered over to her

"Take care of my son" Nagini hissed.

"I thought snakes didn't care about their young" Hermione teased, bending down to let Asmo coil around her arm.

"Your fathers on his way" Nagini told her. "He isn't too happy"

Hermione swallowed and nodded her head and drew to her full height.

"Dads on his way" Hermione told her mum. Bella's eyes widened and she let out a breath, it seems that although they had been married for almost 18 years, being that they were married two years before Hermione happened, Bella was still afraid him sometimes. All of The Malfoys all huddled together, deathly afraid of Voldemort's wrath. A gust of wind suddenly hit Hermione and almost knocked her over.

Who am I? Hermione Granger..Or Riddle?(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now