A Plan

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After dinner the family moved into the sitting room,where they spent most of the time they had talking about Draco and Hermione's school life, grades , friends (that particular topic caused everyone to scowl) and the rivalry between the Gryffindor and Slytherin houses,Glad to see that hasn't changed" The dark Lord had remarked ,and how Professor Umbridge was being a all round Bitch to everyone in Hogwarts. Until the conversation took a more serious turn when the men started to talk about how they needed to break the rest of the death eaters out of prison and how they were going about doing that, since Voldemort was still somewhat hidden from the wizarding world .

"Well the main priorities are Rodolphus,Rabastian,Crouch Jr,And most importantly Bellatrix " Voldemort said "They are my best death eaters" Hermione grinned, She was getting closer and closer to meeting Her mother.
"I understand that my lord" Lucius began but was interrupted by Voldemort
"We are now Family Lucius, calm me Tom" He said, shocking everyone, He HATED his muggle name with a passion.
"O-okay t-o-m" He said slowly " I understand how you want to break them out as soon as possible but i'm Afraid that we have no means of doing so, we are vulnerable, forgive me for this but you are still weak, its basically impossible to break them out" ( AN: From this point forwards Voldemort is going to be referred to as tom but other death eaters still call him 'MY lord')

Hermione tuned out ages ago. She knew this was bad idea as this was technically her first death eater meeting, but she could not help this because she was to busy thinking about what her mother was like. Was she like her? Will she be motherly? Will she love Her, knowing she was raised by muggles? She quickly pushed those thoughts out from her head, stop thinking about that, of course she will , I'm her daughter, Hermione scolded herself and thought about her mother some more. Will she remember her, thanks to the Dementors? Would being in Azkaban for that long cause her to become insane

Wait Dementors, they are a big part of security in Azkaban, maybe if her father could somehow take control or get a least a few of them on their side, they can surely break her mother out of prison.At this thought the young woman started to bounce in her seat and clap her hands excitedly, Drawing attention to herself, looking very much like Bellatrix when she is excited about something

" Are you all right dear?" Narcissa asked her.Hermione nodded her head, still very much excited.
" I have an idea" she sung. " Take control of the Dementors!"
Tom leaned back into his chair with a thoughtful expression on his face " Nice thinking Hermione" he praised her "I do think that idea will work"
"Yes, i think that will work"Lucius said
"Then, its settled, we will take over the Dementors and use that to make sure our friends get out safely"Tom replied but before he could say anything else the grandfather clock chimed twelve, signalling the end of the get together as the students have to go back to school.Hermione stood along with Draco and his father and kissed her father and Aunt goodbye.When Lucius apparated them away Narcissa turned to Tom
"Does Snape know about Hermione? She asked, worried for her niece being around Dumbledore, after all he can read thoughts and look at her memories. Tom shook his head
" i don't want anyone else to know, besides i have already took precautions around Dumbledore and cast a spell on Hermione, the riddle- black part of her mind is sealed of to other legilimens" He replied " and with that i shall leave you, Goodnight Narcissa." After receiving a reply from the blond, he apparated away.

Who am I? Hermione Granger..Or Riddle?(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now